would this idea solve most of the worlds problems??


Well-Known Member
so i was thinking about all of the problems in the world and what the world will be like for future generations. what if their were a way to make things better without wars and i was thinking about world population and how i heard china is limiting families to one child and i thought....What if the entire world would agree to sterilisation what if we could sterilise 9 out of every 10 children born in a way that would not harm them but let them lead normal lives. like a visectomy or tube tieing so that the chances of a fertile man and woman coupleing and having a child would be very small. after a few generations population would be grately reduced their would be plenty of natural resourcs and then they could reevaluate the situation. imagine the reforestation the resurgance of wildlife the reduction in polution and the improvement in quality of life RANDOM 9 out of 10 like every hospital 123456789fertile no prefrances

Sr. Verde

Well that wouldnt really work

What if you wanted a child, but the woman you loved couldn't have one? You would have little choice as to who to mate with. People like freedom of choice, so they wouldn't really be on board

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
fucking stupid. talk about weening down the gene pool. you would then get cprruption leading to selected breeding, leading to possible growth issues as can be found in todays labrador dog (bad hips etc)


Most people wanna get married and start a family. Just imagine if no one was fertile.. wtf? Not a good idea.. and definitely wouldn't solve any "world problems".

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
women to become mothers, men to support. that's just primal instinct really. you imagine if all the women in a resteraunt/pub/bar suddenly found out somehow, that mr blond lochs in the corner with the guiness can get them preggers, zombie attacks cene kinda comes to mind :lol: unless it was women and men who were made infertile, in which case couples would try for lifetimes to concieve, but find out just why, to which there would be massive inquests into why the fuck me and yayadayadayada it's just plain fucking stupid :lol:


Well-Known Member
WTF are you thinking are you really that high. sterilization?A Population decrease, are you serious ideas like that in the wrong powerful hands could lead to shit like genocide,racial favoring in the reproduction lottery.Who would you get to regulate something like who dose or dose'nt get to be fertile or vasectomyed.We took long enough to become kinda civilized in america dont try to shake shit up now....


Well-Known Member
the idea was tried, it was called the holocaust, they killed who they didnt like and attempted to create a master race+the end to the worlds problems is communism, worldwide, even distribution of resources = everyone eats, free transport, free education, mass housing and just generally a better world, it has to be worldwide or it will flop, example is china and soviet union.


Well-Known Member
your all talking about eugenics im not....and yes we tried eugenics in america...hitler used our ideas and research. no im not advocating any descrepency as to who is fertile just on a number basis and it would have to be worldwide to be effective. i guess we would have to ban fertility tests or your right we would run into a fertile person being sought after and having lots of children. and yes i was speaking of both men and women


Well-Known Member
"what if we could sterilise 9 out of every 10 children born in a way that would not harm them but let them lead normal lives. like a visectomy or tube tieing so that the chances of a fertile man and woman coupleing and having a child would be very small. after a few generations population would be grately reduced their would be plenty of natural resourcs and then they could reevaluate the situation"
In order for this to be done on a world wide basics there would have to be someone(s) to regulate this sterilization & infetilizing.Weather its 1 or many at some point along the line these groups will have a merging point.And as they say it only takes 1 bad apple.controlling reproduction is just not the solution no matter how you put it or present it:wall:


Well-Known Member
No the holocaust was the systematic removal of certain populations, this is an attempt to slow the growth of our species so we don't reach a point beyond natural stability.

The problem with this is that you really wouldn't be able to guarantee the future populations would be as ambitious, as more people are sterilized the population drops, meaning less sterilization would be needed, resulting in an ever fluxing relationship. And lets face it people like concrete regulations, we would wipe ourselves out a long time before we controlled our outrageous growths.



Well-Known Member
most of you are still refering to eugenics. we have tried and are still using eugenics in america....anyone who has ever been to planned parenthood has experienced a eugenisists work. heres a little info on american eugenics or just google it.... http://hnn.us/articles/1796.html


Active Member
Yeah I'm a history major I understand what happened in the holocaust. They also sterilized Jewish women in concentration camps.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm a history major I understand what happened in the holocaust. They also sterilized Jewish women in concentration camps.
im not talking about the hollocost...im refering eugenics in the U.S.A. thats where the germans got a lot of those ideas....rockefeller even gave them huge grants to do research. we were allready exicuting and sterilising thousands in america before WWII. the idea i was floating wasnt eugenics or breeding just a capping of population through infertility across the board with no racial or economic prefrences...and yes i know it wouldn't work its an idea. we will have huge population reductions in the future this was just an idea of how it could be done without diseases , wars , or climate change , or famine


Well-Known Member
future this was just an idea of how it could be done without diseases , wars , or climate change , or famine
How in the world do you think that forced sterilization wouldn't create wars?

I for one would be one of the first to volunteer to split the melons of folks like yourself that actually think this is a good idea!

In essence, you would create WWIII if it hasn't already happened by then.