Short answer is go to indoor growing section of this website, click the LEDs section after that, and one of the first topics is all about LED lights and what to get or look for. It's hard for me to say what to look for to be honest. Every company will show its own bias towards their product. So look at reviews, the Number of bands of light the LEDs range from, what makes them different then the others. All LEDs will say they increase yield, less heat, blah blah. I read a ton of reviews, compared websites, and I looked at comparisons done by third party company when I had to drop the money I did I look at as much as I could. The LEDs I use are dormgrow LEDs. You can compare the ones you purchased with the ones there if you want to get an idea of what to compare. I love my lights for the low heat, low draw power, and great results. I'm not a LED pro but mine work and that's what matters.