would you chop or wait


Well-Known Member
"Maximum Flavor = Flush with Good quality Blackstrap Molasses + water the last two weeks. Size / Taste / Terpens / Clean heavy rich smoke, when dried and cured correctly.

I personally stay away from the hydro store "wholesome sweetness" molasses. It was not choice high grade molasses imho. Thought I would go with "wholesome" and save some money but you know how that goes :wall:

This stuff is quality and comes in glass http://www.ebay.com/itm/141110606670?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649

the ladies look good, best of luck bro


Well-Known Member
sorry but molasses does nothing for flavor. if it did, i would be pouring 2 liters of bubblegum flavored pop into my pants


Well-Known Member
imho it enhances the natural terpens with a noticeable flavor change after being cured correctly. Just my experience.


Well-Known Member
Nope, sorry. All it does is feeds mycorhizzae which in turn break down nutrients for easier uptake by the plant. The rest is just hogwash perptuated by these chemical companies trying to sell you extra shit you don't need.

Does molasses benefit your plant, yes. But it does not directly affect the taste of it. Flushing with molasses at the end of the run is not benefiting you in any way.


Well-Known Member
imho it enhances the natural terpens with a noticeable flavor change after being cured correctly. Just my experience.
What I believe you are doing is adding easily broken down readily available minerals to your soil at the end and raising the brix of your plant which is why it tastes better. You could do the same thing with rock dusts or anything that has readily available minerals. Your plants will take up the minerals in molasses but they do not take up the sugars.


And I was thinking of applying molasses for the first time cos of the things I read about its' flavor benefits. I will still go ahead with it and see if it does not do any good. Nice topic!