Would You Fuck This Chick?

Would you fuck this chick?

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Yes I would & I'd have the courtesy to give her a reach around to boot.

Thats the hottest white girl ive seen have the sex change,normaly the best looking ones are asain.
doesn't look like she's tuckin', so i'd let her get to suckin'.

on howard stern they had a she / he who had an operation, even had a vajj and all... they held a contest to find someone to bang her / him, and dude who won, err, lost, went back to her / his crib with them and couldn't do it.. said the va jj was completely nasty looking and couldn't even get erect to do the deed..
had to be one of the funniest shows i have ever heard..

the chic also has to use a dildo on herself every day in order to keep the new vagina open or else it would close up naturally like any other wound on a person would.. think about that shit for a few seconds and tell me you'd do it... :(
if it was a man... and now there's no more penis, and no more male features, and no deep voice, and nice titties...
then he has now crossed over to the female side. and i will fuck females.

EDIT: but like racerboy pointed out, the pussy gotta look good... it's gotta be an average looking female pussy..
none of that rotting beef shit, making me gag.
....she was a "2" at 10:00pm...
....then she was a "10" at 2:00am...
God knows I've never gone home with an ugly woman (transgender in this case), but I've sure woke up with a few of them!

Heard that line on some country song.
and some of you would fuck a snake if you could get under it, LOL I like going to the racy gay clubs that have shows and man you just got to say no, I never had so much fun in my life, just about piss myself laughing, but I stop if it has a pump handle, no matter how wrecked I am. But each to there own, but I guess if I was in jail having her as a bunky would rock.


he says in his John Wayne voice
and some of you would fuck a snake if you could get under it, LOL I like going to the racy gay clubs that have shows and man you just got to say no, I never had so much fun in my life, just about piss myself laughing, but I stop if it has a pump handle, no matter how wrecked I am. But each to there own, but I guess if I was in jail having her as a bunky would rock.

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he says in his John Wayne voice

Hahahahhaha. Man, thanks woodsman, that picture effectively started an argument between me and my girlfriend, LOL. Epic funny.