Would you join NORML if it meant a discount on meds?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
No, you can have all the police and benefits and firemen you want, why must i have them against my will though? why is my welfare so important to them, you, why is my safety from criminals so important to you, why are the things i put in my body so important to you. Why are you unable to just let me live as i want to live in peace? That is my point :) Did you know there is a family not too far from where i live who bought an abandoned orchard, they removed all of the junk and tended the land, they planted new trees, set up fruit and vegetable plots and lived off of the land, them and their two children and family pets, they did this after they had been stuck on benefits in the worst of council estate lifestyles, and turned things around to end up loving life and pulling in their harvests. The council are now evicting them saying they do not have legal permission to live on the land that they work. It's all gravy though 8-) Why can't governments just leave people the fuck alone.


Well-Known Member
i think it's a great idea. there's all kinds of dicount cards out there already. student, military,law enforcement and the like. why not give a discount to card carrying norml member?

had to edit... sitting here stoned and didn't read your post throughly.....it's not a discount if you jack the prices up, keep your fucking 1/8th!!!!

Well would you?

I've been toying around with this idea all day and would appreciate some feedback.
If a person and/or dispensary who normally sells you meds at $35 an 1/8 suddenly raised the price to $40 and offered it to you back at $35 if you join NORML, would you? This is just hypothetical, I know most of us grow our own but if you were in that position, would you feel that the discounts would be a good enough incentive?

I've been trying to find better ways to bring more people to help the cause, besides asking them to join. Many of us are for joining, but we just never get around to it.

Who's willing to donate a dollar of every med sale to NORML PAC?

So what do you guys/girls think? Do you like it, hate it? Tell me why either way.



Well-Known Member
So I take it you don't ever drive on those state built roads, since the states never done anything for you. And you surely don't benefit from the absence of mob rule that would exist without the police. And of course you built your house out of fire proof space age material, so you will never have a need for a fire department. The rest of us aren't as awesome as you, so we use our civic services, that's why we pay taxes.

The US has the 2nd lowest Corporate tax rate in the developed world, along with one of the lowest personal tax rates. If you don't like paying taxes, give up the amenities of civilized culture and move to some third world hell hole. You won't have 911 when armed militants run up in your house to rob and kill you, but hey at least no taxes! Liberty or death right?

No I never asked for any of it. I was born into this shit. I would rather have just a horse, a cabin, and my god given rights... All of them. You can have the fireman and the taxes and the road if that is what you wish. They made it for you anyway.


Well-Known Member
i think it's a great idea. there's all kinds of dicount cards out there already. student, military,law enforcement and the like. why not give a discount to card carrying norml member?

had to edit... sitting here stoned and didn't read your post throughly.....it's not a discount if you jack the prices up, keep your fucking 1/8th!!!!
Look, most peoples prices are already Jacked up! They can afford to offer a discount without jacking up the price even more!

Some GOOD people already have their prices set as low as they can go....if they were to offer a discount, they would loose money. How would you suggest these GOOD people offer a discount and not go broke?


Well-Known Member
I would rather a good man sell the product then a low life dispensary owner. The state does not yet deserve any money. If they wanted money they could build wind turbines all along lake michigan but are yet to dumb for yet such a simple task and would rather take handouts from the people just as always.

Why give the state the money? We bitch about people on welfare for too long of time but our state is the biggest moocher of em all. What has the satae done for me beside try to rule my life? Not a fucking thing.

Most of those people are on welfare because the state has made the rules of life. It is not because they wanna be on welfare. Yet the state is the complete opposite it wants all the free shit it can have forever.

I would rather buy my pot from a father of 2, then any of them.
i vote for the father of two idea. I have always thought the state and federal goverment were a bunch of low lifes.


all you have to do is sign up for normal on 4-20 and you get a membership for four dollars and 20 cents simple as that do it next year. problem solved. every year they have that deal!~!!:hump::hump::joint:
and what does a membership give you?

a quarterly newsletter asking you to give them more money.
you can do more good writing your senators and representatives, hand writing not emailing.