Would you leave your wife?


Well-Known Member
I have been enjoying marijuana for about 23 years now. I love pot! Got married (no kids and won't) about 5 years ago, been together for 10 and she knew I smoked from day 1, she does not smoke. (possible red flag, lol) Said she didn't have a problem with it, but she doesn't like the money I spend on it. I am not in a medical state (I have crohn's disease) and recently went to CO where a buddy had beautiful plants growing in the mountains, freaking awesome. Brought a tear to my eye! Long story short, she really shows no interest in moving to one of 15(?) states (her choice!) so I can grow my own crop and stop paying for weed.

I love my wife, but I have seriously been thinking of leaving her to pursue a life long dream of growing my own herb and getting that constant worry of getting busted picking up a sack, etc., off my back.

So, would you leave your wife?
This is gonna be harsh, but, if you even have to think about one outwaying the other, than a relationship probably isn't the best thing for you.
Terrable reason to leave your wife IMO! It may be illegal to grow where you are but so is smoking then. My advise would be to just grow where you are. I see it as a huge pain in the but to go thru the process of movingand finding a new job and friends and things to do and not to mention a new wife just so you can make your bud legit. Im not sure where you are but im sure you can find somewhere around in the middle of nowhere in a forest or something to put a plant or 2. Otherwise I would say if your wife doesn't like you spending so much money on baggies then she should let you setup a cabinet to put a decent sized plant or 2. A 250w hps would be perfect and produce plenty of bud without causing your electricity to jump much. Good luck
Well if you are thinking of leaving her,maybe you guys should split up instead of staying with someone you don't like being married to.Why fake something thats not there.
i've been married for 25 years, my wife doesn't smoke and i never brought it home until the kids were grown and moved out. i've been growing and smoking since. if she had a problem with it i'd give up the smoke but i don't see that happening.
I would give up weed for true love, weed wont love u, hold u, kiss u, damn u thinking about it should answer ur very question, Regarless what ur choice is i hope it brings u the happiness u seek :)
Love the pot, hate the game is basically how it is for me, and i'm sure most folks. It's a pretty regular basis bunch of bullshit and that could all go away by being in a medical state. She could transfer to a different location with her job in a heartbeat, I could find whatever.

Grumpy, I don't think relationships are good for the majority of people in them. lol

7cotton7, I am doing a small grow (1-2 plants), but there is always that thought in the back of my mind that i'm going to jail. Not a prominant thought, but it's there and lingers.
I do believe that the green shouldn't be the sole reason to split up... I assume there have to be other things about your marriage that you are unhappy with, otherwise you wouldn't even be entertaining this thought. If you guys were just dating, I would say just do whatever the F you want, split up with her, whatever, but (personally) marriage should be valued higher than... well, the high! hahah, but if you're not happy dude, get out. Say it's for the weed, say it's cause she won't move with you, say what you will--if you're unhappy in the first place, then this is probably just the push you need to seal the deal.

In summary: lose her if you're unhappy in more places than herb, otherwise maybe you just had too much to smoke today >;P good luck bro
If anyone tells you they are 100% happy in there marriage, I'll show you a lier! Everyone has there issues (we have ours) and it really boils down to how well you can deal with it. Her unwillingness to even consider or discuss this any further without giving a single reason why this is something we can't do, is what really has got me thinking this way. I'm seeing it as she doesn't give a fuck what I think and that's that. THAT is what i'm having a real hard time with.