Would you rather?


Well-Known Member
My fav episode of Married With Children had Peg taking a Cosmo quiz with Al as he was trying to ignore her. She asked, 'Would you rather sleep with a. your wife, or b....' He didn't even wait for the second choice, and quickly answers, 'b.!!!'


Well-Known Member
Would you rather:

Tongue the balls of Kimbo Slice after every workout for life or smuggle a pound of heroin in your ass across the U.S. border from Mexico once a week?


Well-Known Member
Would you rather:

Tongue the balls of Kimbo Slice after every workout for life or smuggle a pound of heroin in your ass across the U.S. border from Mexico once a week?
Heroin ;-)
While doin time in Monterey Co Jail(Salinas), a guy from the rack next to mine, used the space in between our bunks to shit out a racket ball size ball of black, 2 packs of smokes(taylors) and a key(lighter). He did it pretty easily
I don't know how much that big ol ball of heroin weighed, but Kimbo Slice? No thanks.

Assuming other inmates have it out for you: Would you rather keyster a shank around with you in prison, or just take your chances that other woods will have your back when shit went down?
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Well-Known Member
Dream girl. Its muche easier to make do with a shitty car than a shitty woman.

Would you rather have unprotected sex with 10 hookers or share a needle with a homeless man once?
Ive had unprotected sex with hookers but my left testicle swelled up after it one time and i thought i was going to die. I got orchitis but didnt have anything else and it went away


Well-Known Member
Would you rather

Hang out with the woods with a shank

Would rather have your girl friend be a super hot and young chic or a old crusty billionaire