Would you recommend autoflower seeds?

my trick is a mix of feed 3 different lines along with super cropping and maxing out the root with knowing the maximum amount of water the plants can take and staying on top of the watering

THC content is taken at a lab under super optimal conditions, I use it as a very vague guider. I more go on what I read and see in the forums then what the breeder says lol.

i go on the effect .........put it this way i can take 5 dabs big ones before i am crushed like a normal person .........if it can make me feel ok and normal for 2 plus hours with one hit then it fucks everyone i know up

i sent a 70 year old women to the hospital with one hit .......she freaked out too strong ....everyone else tells me best shit they ever had (taking my buddies to denver was more for me then them i wanted to know what they thought of the shop weed out there compared to what i was making .....alot of the time mine was better except starwreck oh my god i love that strain 2 hits i was gone
want some help

i can tell u some good strains and tricks i know to get the best out of them .....if i can do it anyone can i showed my buddy zulu he was doing 4 oz by his 2nd grow
did auto yumbolt last month did 176 grams off a plant rated for 40 grams
Im still not sold on the idea of having to run a light for 20 hours.
In fact im the opposite of that.
My flowering cycles are only 8hrs now so unfortunately autos arent in my future anytime soon.
Perhaps one day i will throw a bunch outdoors to try to get two cycles in one summer but for indoor 20/4 just isnt for me.
well if u do outdoor u will always be lower yields
and try sweet tooth bareny's farm ..........someone who helped me spoke highly of the strain it grows better outdoors then indoors what i was told so did not try here state trooper next door
Im still not sold on the idea of having to run a light for 20 hours.
In fact im the opposite of that.
My flowering cycles are only 8hrs now so unfortunately autos arent in my future anytime soon.
Perhaps one day i will throw a bunch outdoors to try to get two cycles in one summer but for indoor 20/4 just isnt for me.

i run them on 24/0 23/1 22/2 21/3 20/4 down to 12/12

20/4 gets the best results thick hard buds with good gooeiness

rem auto plants are from regions in the world the time is altered( the light is up for longer hours ) .........it is what makes them autos they grow for a set amount of time depending on the food offered to them then they flip into flowering tries to get to seed and start the next gen with in the short time

and think about it the bud only builds with the light on the light off the resin/sugars build
20/4 at 30 days is equaled to 50 days of photo flower time due to the extra hours of light
breeding is not something i done much work on .......i do not have a set up that can handle the idea of pollen with in (my shit has never had a seed in 3 years proud of that....ppl get money's worth)

but from what i understand for it to be a true auto seed it has to be breed in at least 5 times (breed to make the strain then breed the auto flowering ones from that 5 times)
50%.... 75%.... 87.5%.... 93.75%....96.825% at that lvl u can call it a true auto flowering almost 97% of the seeds will auto flip

it is still a 50/50 mix but u made the autoflower genetics dominant
Short answer:


I got into autos (mosatly outdoors but a few indoors) and made my own fem seeds. I could easily get 6+ ounces from one plant indoors in 62 days from seed.

I burned out on autos. They just did not have the effect I wanted.
If I smoke some auto right now, it will get me buzzed, but I need more. Te next time I smoke it will not effect me as nicely.

I can't really explain it, but autos are something I just toss outside. I have a barely touched jar that I will probably end up giving away.
Yeah i love autos. Im on an autoflower kick right now. Ive never had a terrible auto so far.

Ive grown Special kush #1, dark devil, PDXA, northern light auto, and another 1 or 2 i can recall right now.

Average yield was about 40g. I got 90g+ off one of the northern lights. Another one of the northerns had pretty bad bud, but a nice yield, that was on me though. Had a pH lockout of calcium.

Im pretty sure your bad experience was due to your windowsill grow.
It probably was due to windowsill grow Coz my buddy has grown one before and was told they require practically no care and grow fine but I guess not haha what light would be good and cost effective would you say?
you can get an HiD setup with MH and HPS bulbs for under 200.

or you can got he CFL route, but you will probably spend the same amount of money and its less effective.
Gonna upset some people but really...

anyone who says AUTOs are worth growing, dont know wtf they are talking about and I wouldnt trust their judgement on anything.
AUTOs are NOT terrible, but the buzz isnt the same as a good photo, they are NOT balanced. The buzz feels weird to me and that is from MULTIPLE auto strains. The only auto I ever grew/smoked that wasnt completely terrible was Auto Critical from Female Seeds and while it was pretty good, it didnt compete with my photo period plants.

so, to sum it up....

Auto's suck and so do the people who try to pass off autos as real weed and sell for the same prices. They are just rip-offs.
Gonna upset some people but really...

anyone who says AUTOs are worth growing, dont know wtf they are talking about and I wouldnt trust their judgement on anything.
AUTOs are NOT terrible, but the buzz isnt the same as a good photo, they are NOT balanced. The buzz feels weird to me and that is from MULTIPLE auto strains. The only auto I ever grew/smoked that wasnt completely terrible was Auto Critical from Female Seeds and while it was pretty good, it didnt compete with my photo period plants.

so, to sum it up....

Auto's suck and so do the people who try to pass off autos as real weed and sell for the same prices. They are just rip-offs.

i call bullshit on the whole statement ..........just for the fact the chemical mix is identical to photos in the main 66 chemicals ....there for the weird effect to u is only in your mind

stone is the same...i smoked 23 years from shitty brick to cup entries in 2014 denver cup

ppl know i grow autos and they still like it better then photos ........but i am in a black market area off 2 main trafficing routes north to south and east to west...so they have choices i price my shit the same so i am not taken to much action from bigger dealers ......i set my system up based off loading to 4 ppl and they all know it Auto flowers and they love it

the only difference with Autos and Photos ........Autos go at there time outdoors they are not ideal .....where a photo planted at the right time and cut at the right time is almost the same as indoor with a little work (except with Co2 enriched indoors )

autos are great for small ops a single supply to shop (100-150 plants in cycle)
photos u have to run a much larger cycle to supply while next cycle comes up ........more area more divides more equipment more power more money
i call bullshit on the whole statement ..........just for the fact the chemical mix is identical to photos in the main 66 chemicals ....there for the weird effect to u is only in your mind

stone is the same...i smoked 23 years from shitty brick to cup entries in 2014 denver cup

ppl know i grow autos and they still like it better then photos ........but i am in a black market area off 2 main trafficing routes north to south and east to west...so they have choices i price my shit the same so i am not taken to much action from bigger dealers ......i set my system up based off loading to 4 ppl and they all know it Auto flowers and they love it

the only difference with Autos and Photos ........Autos go at there time outdoors they are not ideal .....where a photo planted at the right time and cut at the right time is almost the same as indoor with a little work (except with Co2 enriched indoors )

autos are great for small ops a single supply to shop (100-150 plants in cycle)
photos u have to run a much larger cycle to supply while next cycle comes up ........more area more divides more equipment more power more money
Sounds like you have never grown photo?
Ruderalis has a different type of buzz than indica or sativa.
Indica has a different type of buzz than ruderalis or sativa.
Sativa has a different type of buzz than ruderalis or indica.
Pretty much known by anyone who has ever smoked bud.
Sounds like you have never grown photo?
Ruderalis has a different type of buzz than indica or sativa.
Indica has a different type of buzz than ruderalis or sativa.
Sativa has a different type of buzz than ruderalis or indica.
Pretty much known by anyone who has ever smoked bud.

everything is crossed now a days 80% indica 20% sativa or a 50%
rare that u see only one type .....at least from my view point

your not go to win on this i know the strains to well ..........researching the effects and str of them
i got genetic info on the strains what is crossed with what .....what % they rate it for

what u are talking about might of been right years ago but with them interbreeding everything to get resin and yeild .......there is no more 100% prue strains out there that i have seen

check it yourself even the cup winners are mixed strains for the what cat they are posted
each strain has a different reaction for each person do to the chemicals in their system

thc is euphoric
cbd is anti pain /anti crazy

that is it
photos are not worth it
grown them .......did not like the amount of time it took i was stuck with that strain only .......autos i can do 2 grows in the amount of time 1 photo grow

if ppl did not like it they would not get it as they have other choices .........they like it sells as fast as i can make it
Im not one to argue, ive grown both photos and autos, and plenty of both. as far as potency, maybe a slight difference between the 2 but i cant tell that much. Like @justugh said they have the same chemicals. Its the same plant only one has been modified to flower differently. Its almost like the argument about GMO foods and natural foods, Same chemistry makeup in both.