minimum of 3000 LUMENS per sq foot if you want any real result.
2x2 footprint give 4 sq ft giving you 8 bulbs minimum for that space.
and even then 3000 L per sq ft is still on the low side
those 3 bulbs you have will work perfect, now get 3 more sets and put em all up.
depending on your attitude, with cfl its either more bulbs or less space.
you need 6500k bulbs for veg, 2700k bulbs for flower. or at least more of those respective spectrums during veg and flower.
cfl's produce far less ir spectrum so theres not much of a burning issues, which allows you to use the most reflective fucking thing you can find. i use ac and heat duct insulative wrap, its like 3 layers of bubblewrap rolled thin then coated on both sides with reflective metal coating, its about 1/8-1/4" thick comes in widths of 1,2,3,4 foot, in rolls that come like 20+ feet long.
and no you wont get burned by hotspots, not unless you form intentionally convex surfaces