Would You Smoke Your Dog's Shit?


Well-Known Member
I would but only if it came out all diarread like bho. Bet the dogs digestive system is a killer bho extraction and purging system. Kinda cool as a spoecies to be able to harvestg your own gases and make killer extracts for your owner. All you need is to feed some weed.


Well-Known Member
TheDude0007, Jul 3, 2011
Guri was in the navy, in the navy he went to Indonesia and drunk some coffee, for over 10 years he was bleating about this coffee he drunk, then his brainy wife told him how it was made, this info blew him apart, eventually his dog dies, I don't know how, but the new dog was trained to eat raw coffee beans from Cuba, sure enough the new dog, shit out these used coffee beans, he cleaned them up and made a brew from them, then he invited me over for a coffee, I drunk the coffee, it was shit, then told me this story ..I was trying to strangle him when his wife hit my head with a rifle butt, and I awoke in the cellar tied up ..they let me go, but he's not my friend anymore, sorry I smoke cannabis and have short term memory loss, was there a question here? ...lol


Well-Known Member
My cat drinks Ayahuasca soaked in BHO. His piss is 37% DMT and roughly 41% THC, it is the only way to fly. By a non-polar extraction of the cat piss exracted with bat guana your likely to have 57% chance of hallucinating from the early stages of obola