Would you support a bill that required the consent of the father to obtain an abortion?

Would you support a bill that required the consent of the father to obtain an abortion?

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Then they don't have kids. There is NO discussion. The woman has the say, once conception takes place. What is there to discuss? Men have ALL the control, until they give it up. Once given up, they rarely get it back. That's LIFE. Is it fair? Maybe not, but until men can carry pregnancies to term (yeah, right), once they jizz in the cooter, it's up to the woman.

It's called taking responsibility for your own behavior. Until the moment of the male orgasm, they have control. If they have prepared, conception won't take place and everyone can deal with other consequences of unprotected sex. It doesn't matter if you like it, it's NOT your body, and thus, the man has no say, once conception has taken place. So it's up to the man to prepare in advance and be responsible. Fucking is OPTIONAL. I give no quarter to the unprepared or the stupid. Which one are you? I had a vasectomy at 35, took that long to find a urologist to do the procedure, but it's 28, now!!! Had one scare, paid for the abortion and I'm not sorry. In fact, I'm SO proud. >:-O
So I'm either stupid or unprepared?

What ever man.

I agree its a woman's choice. Just saying its kind of fucked up if. The man actually wants the kid.
So I'm either stupid or unprepared?

What ever man.

I agree its a woman's choice. Just saying its kind of fucked up if. The man actually wants the kid.
If you knocked a woman up by accident, yes, you were unprepared or stupid, which is, in a way redundant. Unprepared *is* stupid. What's with the weird punctuation?
So if a woman gets pregnant, in order for her to legally have access to an abortion, she and the father would have to legally consent to it.

Would you support or oppose that?
what a slap in the face to womens rights. Having to ask a man for permission to get an abortion is pathetic, i dont care if its the father. fuck the father, where was he in helping with discussions about sex education and protection in the first place.? So many religious assholes want there kids to abstain from sex shaming it and refuse to discuss protection.. The kid gets pregnant and then cant get an abortion due to religious beliefs...how ass backwards is that.. this proposition is despicable and Insulting.
Whitebb isn't an asshole. You'll see that after you're here longer, perhaps.
Thank you.
Hey, asshole, you were the one who asked if you were stupid or unprepared. If you did nothing stupid, you should have just said it was an academic question. You made it personal. Maybe you need to brush up on your writing skills.
My writing skills are just fine. You brought being stupid and unprepared up first.

It would be a rhetorical question by the way.

Anyways don't get your panties in a wad.
All unexpected pregnancies are the result of stupidity and lack of preparation. Period. Given it's a rhetorical question, it's a worthless question.
You are thick headed man. Where did I say unexpected pregnancy?

I didn't.

What I am saying is that a man and woman can sit down and decide to have a child. The man is excited to be a father and then the woman change her mind and the man has no say so.

That's kind of shitty.

Now what to do with that? Nothing really. Its a slippery slope. If its allowed for the man to say in any situation then it would lead to every situation.
You are thick headed man. Where did I say unexpected pregnancy?

I didn't.

What I am saying is that a man and woman can sit down and decide to have a child. The man is excited to be a father and then the woman change her mind and the man has no say so.

That's kind of shitty.

Now what to do with that? Nothing really. Its a slippery slope. If its allowed for the man to say in any situation then it would lead to every situation.
Men have no say. It has always been that way, it should always be that way - unless you come up with a way for men to carry a fetus to term. Failing that, suck it up, buttercup. Sure it's shitty, but not as shitty as having Hitler as POTUS. You want to talk about shitty, start there.
Men have no say. It has always been that way, it should always be that way - unless you come up with a way for men to carry a fetus to term. Failing that, suck it up, buttercup. Sure it's shitty, but not as shitty as having Hitler as POTUS. You want to talk about shitty, start there.
I give up. No point in trying to have a discussion with you. You can't follow a simple conversation and resort to name calling.

Then deflect to top it off.

Have a good one man.
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I give up. No point in trying to have a discussion with you.
You're using a rhetorical question as the basis for your point. Fact is, men have no say and never will. Men have their say before they stick their dick in. If pregnancy occurs, and the woman doesn't want the kid, the fetus dies. That will not, nor should it, change. Men have a chance to have their say, before pregnancy occurs. After that, it's up to the woman. So, again, what is there to discuss?

This has been distasteful for me, as in MY world, no one would get pregnant until the world's total population is less than three billion people. If men want a say in having kids, men need to figure out a way to carry pregnancies to term. Until then, men have no say. Men should NEVER have say, because men are impulsive and stupid. I include myself in that description, but at least I wasn't stupid enough to become a parent. Kids born today will be lucky to reach 40 and die. Humanity has about 40 years left. Anyone bearing children is giving birth to the LAST generation of humans, because climate change will kill the species in about 30-40 years. So, in the long run, your question doesn't mean shit, anyway.

You want more babies born. I don't want any born. Humanity needs a vast die off, if it has any chance to survive more than about 40 years. Since that's not going to happen, humans will be here for another 30-40 years, and then all the rich people will discover they can't eat money.

tl:dr Blow me.
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So I'm either stupid or unprepared?

What ever man.

I agree its a woman's choice. Just saying its kind of fucked up if. The man actually wants the kid.
He's a fucking idiot. Probably a russian.

I've been in this exact spot. As mentioned in the past, I was very young when I had my first. Once I found out she was pregnant, I of course proposed. She accepted.
But she had a friend that tried to talk her into an abortion. They made the appointment and I spent several days begging her not to do it.
In the end she relented. We married and she gave birth to our daughter. After a few years (and one more child), she decided she didn't really want kids and left. Did I force her into parenthood? She had nothing to do with the children after she left. Guess one could argue either way on that. But I never asked for or received child support.
To me there was never any choice. I made the choice to do the deed, I must be responsible for the outcome. I could not walk away. I was a orphan bastard so I know how that feels.
But because the WOMAN carries the baby, I think she has the ultimate decision and has every right to make it any way she sees fit.
Just my .02
I would oppose but only if on the other foot a father can also wave all rights and responsibilities to the mother and child.
You're using a rhetorical question as the basis for your point. Fact is, men have no say and never will. Men have their say before they stick their dick in. If pregnancy occurs, and the woman doesn't want the kid, the fetus dies. That will not, nor should it, change. Men have a chance to have their say, before pregnancy occurs. After that, it's up to the woman. So, again, what is there to discuss?

This has been distasteful for me, as in MY world, no one would get pregnant until the world's total population is less than three billion people. If men want a say in having kids, men need to figure out a way to carry pregnancies to term. Until then, men have no say. Men should NEVER have say, because men are impulsive and stupid. I include myself in that description, but at least I wasn't stupid enough to become a parent. Kids born today will be lucky to reach 40 and die. Humanity has about 40 years left. Anyone bearing children is giving birth to the LAST generation of humans, because climate change will kill the species in about 30-40 years. So, in the long run, your question doesn't mean shit, anyway.

You want more babies born. I don't want any born. Humanity needs a vast die off, if it has any chance to survive more than about 40 years. Since that's not going to happen, humans will be here for another 30-40 years, and then all the rich people will discover they can't eat money.

tl:dr Blow me.
That's interesting. You try to make it sound like men control sex. They do not. Women don't control sex either. It's a consensual thing. For example, my wife doesn't control whether or not I have sex. She only controls whether or not I have sex WITH HER -- and the inverse is also true. Adults in loving relationships don't control each other; they help each other.
Your comments make me think you are immature.
Why do courts make men pay child support?
Because it's fair to make someone pay for something they may or may not have wanted?
They do it for the welfare of the child.
Do some men get royally screwed over by the system?
Do some women get screwed over when men just disappear without a trace?
My sister got screwed over by a dipshit who never paid child support -- and had the nerve to insist on visitation.
I've also got two nieces with a total of five children who don't get a penny from deadbeat dads. (They were both married, not that it matters.)
Who is getting screwed, and who got off with no strings attached?
My sister got screwed over by a dipshit who never paid child support -- and had the nerve to insist on visitation.
I've also got two nieces with a total of five children who don't get a penny from deadbeat dads. (They were both married, not that it matters.)
Who is getting screwed, and who got off with no strings attached?

padawan thinks these are just social issues or "identity politics" rather than economic and financial issues at the very foundation of being a woman.

hence why i reject his brand of "progressivism".
That's interesting. You try to make it sound like men control sex.
Oh for fuck's sake, I'm not saying that at all. Were you born with reading comprehension this bad, or did you have to take a class?

I AM saying men have control over where their jizz goes and what it does. If you are a man and you do not want accidental children, you will take control of your reproductive destiny, stop thinking with the little head and avoid unwanted pregnancy, with that as your top of mind, PRIOR to any romantic behavior. Oh gee, it might give you a sad to actually think before you fuck. Tough titties. You don't want children? Or you don't want them NOW, jack it a few times, freeze the jizz, get a vasectomy and when you WANT to have kids, call the bank and make some withdrawals. But just leaving it to chance is an act of a very stupid person.

You sound like you want to be a bee, flitting from flower to flower, impregnating everything in your path. I have a word for people like that...assholes.
Oh for fuck's sake, I'm not saying that at all. Were you born with reading comprehension this bad, or did you have to take a class?

I AM saying men have control over where their jizz goes and what it does. If you are a man and you do not want accidental children, you will take control of your reproductive destiny, stop thinking with the little head and avoid unwanted pregnancy, with that as your top of mind, PRIOR to any romantic behavior. Oh gee, it might give you a sad to actually think before you fuck. Tough titties. You don't want children? Or you don't want them NOW, jack it a few times, freeze the jizz, get a vasectomy and when you WANT to have kids, call the bank and make some withdrawals. But just leaving it to chance is an act of a very stupid person.

You sound like you want to be a bee, flitting from flower to flower, impregnating everything in your path. I have a word for people like that...assholes.
LOL! i like the way you think, you seem pretty damn smart. Too bad most people are too fucking stupid to understand this simple reality.
Oh for fuck's sake, I'm not saying that at all. Were you born with reading comprehension this bad, or did you have to take a class?

I AM saying men have control over where their jizz goes and what it does. If you are a man and you do not want accidental children, you will take control of your reproductive destiny, stop thinking with the little head and avoid unwanted pregnancy, with that as your top of mind, PRIOR to any romantic behavior. Oh gee, it might give you a sad to actually think before you fuck. Tough titties. You don't want children? Or you don't want them NOW, jack it a few times, freeze the jizz, get a vasectomy and when you WANT to have kids, call the bank and make some withdrawals. But just leaving it to chance is an act of a very stupid person.

You sound like you want to be a bee, flitting from flower to flower, impregnating everything in your path. I have a word for people like that...assholes.
"Fuck's sake"??? :dunce:
I took a class on reading incomprehension, I guess... :roll:
What is your excuse for complete absence of logical thought? :cuss: