Would you take a pill that would make you immortal?

Would you take a pill that would make you immortal?

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I'd like to alter my response to yes.. I'd love to be around to see you all pass and take your best stories as my own.. Then tell them generations later, maybe the next day fuck it
I'm cool with it if you at least smoke my ashes to become me. At least put a little of me in your amendments.
Nope. I wouldn't mind a new body, eventually, and that can't happen if I stay in this one. That's Samsara.

I think so too, you could keep everything worthful and pleasant, when you don´´t die and reincarnate. That´s why i hate the idea of reincarnating happy and well educated
for eternity,,ones so much.

I think eternity/immortality is heaven and reincarnation/mortality is hell.or maybe
therapy for deathsinner or their victims.
An eternally healthy, happy, innocent, friendly guy could turn to an eternally unhealthy, unhappy, uninnocent, unfriendly guy.
To be fair the opposite could, happen, too. a disabled, ugly serialkiller who would suffer all eternity, could turn to the opposite.
An eternal-time release opiate+vi-agra that made you immortal at the same time. That would be the shit.
What could go wrong?
I like the thought of the universe being composed of consciousness and having some sort of continuation after transitioning out of our bodies. No religious beliefs required. So I'd skip the pill and go for the full human experience.
I like the thought of the universe being composed of consciousness and having some sort of continuation after transitioning out of our bodies. No religious beliefs required. So I'd skip the pill and go for the full human experience.
Ayahuasca. And Hinduism. It's a lot like that.