Would you take this job if you were me?


Active Member
My buddy knows a grower in north cal that needs people to trim his buds. Its a 3 month job, 12 hours a day, just trimming buds. You live on his property for free (in a shack in the woods) for the 3 months, smoke all day long for free, and at the end of the 3 months you get paid $10k cash. I am 21 years old making $12 an hour so its not like i'd be giving up some big career to do this. plus if me and my girl did it we would come back with $20k cash which would be huge money to my broke ass. I just dont know about leaving my family and friends, plus not have a job once i return... and if i couldnt bring my dog that would be a for sure deal breaker. Would you take the job if you were me?
How many others will be there? Terrain required to get there? Firearms allowed/condoned/wanted? Any other form of security in play to ensure you don't get hit? I don't expect you to actually answer these questions , given the nature of the job you're asking about.. but definitely think about these things and determine if they are ok/to your liking -before- you consider anything else.
hmmm... yeah i have never thought about any of those things, at all, so of course i dont have a single answer haha. good insight though, i appreciate it.
12 hours a day for 90 days = 1080 hours = less than 10$ per hour...unless u get days off? At first i was like hell yea i would, but idk man. First 12 hours a day is alot of work tbh, secondly my gut feeling is the situation sounds a little sketchy. Unless he paid by the week i surely don't think i would do it. What if u work for 3 months, and then somehow u don't get paid?
I could explain why I chose those 4, but I feel you're well more than bright enough to work through it. If you want additional input, or more specific clarification I can do that - just holler anytime. :)
12 hours a day for 90 days = 1080 hours = less than 10$ per hour...unless u get days off? At first i was like hell yea i would, but idk man. First 12 hours a day is alot of work tbh, secondly my gut feeling is the situation sounds a little sketchy. Unless he paid by the week i surely don't think i would do it. What if u work for 3 months, and then somehow u don't get paid?

Leavez brings up a good point, I didn't do the math - I, in err, assumed that worked out to more than you were making currently.
5 days a week, not 7. get week ends off. plus i smoke free weed all day! idk its obviously not ALL good, otherwise i wouldnt be debating i would just do it :P
comes out to $12.62 tax free, with free bud. but i wont have the luxuries of living in an air conditioned house with my flat screen tv and PS3, i'll be in the woods living in a shack :P but like "me and my friend" said, it'd be an adventure!
oh yeah - and you can save the resin that collects on the gloves everyday and keep it at the end of the 3 months if you dont just smoke it as you get it. that could be HUGE! and extra few $tacks if you were to make hash and sell it, but id never try smuggling that back to the east coast.
12 hours a day for 90 days = 1080 hours = less than 10$ per hour...unless u get days off? At first i was like hell yea i would, but idk man. First 12 hours a day is alot of work tbh, secondly my gut feeling is the situation sounds a little sketchy. Unless he paid by the week i surely don't think i would do it. What if u work for 3 months, and then somehow u don't get paid?

the hourly wage seems less shitty when you consider that rent and weed are free. is food free? if weed, rent AND food are free it's just about all bank, minus travel and shit like cellphone bill and some other small shit.

it is actually pretty hard work, not in the difficult sense, but in the being all cramped up and sore and bored out of your mind sense. it's tedious as fuck.

i'll tell you this: i used to work at a machine shop for 10 bucks an hour, it was monotonous and tedious but i went home every night sore but NOT wanting to kill myself (i usually work customer service type jobs), AND they took out taxes and i had to pay for everyday shit so i was broke as fuck. OP's gig would be similar except he'd get to keep all the money (assuming it's not a scam).

it seems to me that 12/hr minus taxes and expenses comes out to be less than the $9.25/hr the guy would get trimming bud, plus the change of pace and scenery. if it were me in that situation i would seriously consider it.

edit: weekends off? fuck yes i'd do it.
comes out to $12.62 tax free, with free bud. but i wont have the luxuries of living in an air conditioned house with my flat screen tv and PS3, i'll be in the woods living in a shack :P but like "me and my friend" said, it'd be an adventure!

Highly recommended you learn what's safe to eat, and not in that area.. as well as do research on animals, how to do snares, handmade traps, etc. Do not use bow spear traps around other humans, especially with them being potentially stoned or you will run into good ole' Mr. Murphy. Murphy's law will inevitably have a human trigger the bow spear trap and end up harpooning him/herself fatally.
im 99.9% positive it isnt a scam... my friend went to amsterdamn with him for two weeks back in 2010, theyre pretty tight. i dont think he'd fuck over a friend like that. but yeah food is covered, if youre going to eat ramen noodles every single meal.
lol well the ultimate decision is up to you of course only u will know what will benefit you the most...

It sounds to me you are basically going to be camping for 3 months, and working long hours. If you think you can trim for 12 hours a day without going crazy then maybe it is worth it?

If ramen and a shack is the only thing offered it really isn't much of "free living" imo(personally i try to eat a balanced diet, ramen only, or at all tbh, is really not on the healthy side...)

Also, Comfort/fun/relaxing time is really worth the $ imo, even if u are a bit more broke.

The problem i see is, what do you plan on doing after the job is complete? Of course probably look for another job, but is it worth giving up your current job for the short term? Even if its not the best job, the truth is jobs can be hard to come by in many places these days.

I'm not knocking the opportunity it could possibly be good/ a fun adventure + free weed and weekends off sounds pretty awesome to me. I'm just saying i would seriously consider all aspects before making the move, because quitting your job and dedicating yourself to 3 months of the work might not be exactly as it might seem. good luck with whatever you do though :weed:
My buddy knows a grower in north cal that needs people to trim his buds. Its a 3 month job, 12 hours a day, just trimming buds. You live on his property for free (in a shack in the woods) for the 3 months, smoke all day long for free, and at the end of the 3 months you get paid $10k cash. I am 21 years old making $12 an hour so its not like i'd be giving up some big career to do this. plus if me and my girl did it we would come back with $20k cash which would be huge money to my broke ass. I just dont know about leaving my family and friends, plus not have a job once i return... and if i couldnt bring my dog that would be a for sure deal breaker. Would you take the job if you were me?

...without more info I'd say take a pass...

...you can't use your friend's friend as a job reference once you are done, the weed you get to smoke probably be to fresh to smoke, bringin your girl to a potential combative environment (no bueno), not to mention if the plantation is close to some cartel...

fyi: if you really need the cash, then you can be a day labor in-front of home depot (for example). sitting down and trimming all 12 hours your going to get hazy and get into accidents. if your going to slow your friend might get upset... idk just my 0.02
lol well the ultimate decision is up to you of course only u will know what will benefit you the most...

It sounds to me you are basically going to be camping for 3 months, and working long hours. If you think you can trim for 12 hours a day without going crazy then maybe it is worth it?

If ramen and a shack is the only thing offered it really isn't much of "free living" imo(personally i try to eat a balanced diet, ramen only, or at all tbh, is really not on the healthy side...)

Also, Comfort/fun/relaxing time is really worth the $ imo, even if u are a bit more broke.

The problem i see is, what do you plan on doing after the job is complete? Of course probably look for another job, but is it worth giving up your current job for the short term? Even if its not the best job, the truth is jobs can be hard to come by in many places these days.

I'm not knocking the opportunity it could possibly be good/ a fun adventure + free weed and weekends off sounds pretty awesome to me. I'm just saying i would seriously consider all aspects before making the move, because quitting your job and dedicating yourself to 3 months of the work might not be exactly as it might seem. good luck with whatever you do though :weed:

jobs are very hard to come by. that is probably the main reason i am so hesitant. I got laid off from my job working for a bank right around the corner from me last year (best job ive ever had) and it took me almost 6 months to get the warehouse position i have now.

Trolling i said it last night and i'll say it again. Go to bed, dork.
If you could stick the isolation and boredom it would be worth considering,you wouldn't be spending money Monday to Friday so definitely a great way to save.
The flip side is if it's an illegal grow and it gets busted while you are there trimming you will either have to give the farmer up or take the rap,either way not nice.
If you could stick the isolation and boredom it would be worth considering,you wouldn't be spending money Monday to Friday so definitely a great way to save.
The flip side is if it's an illegal grow and it gets busted while you are there trimming you will either have to give the farmer up or take the rap,either way not nice.

its all legal. He sells to a few dispensaries in the area. of course still illegal on a federal level.
do it.I hung out in humbolt for a few summers when a kid(runaway,lol).Best times of my life.Best bud EVER also