Would you trust buying off the silk road?

o but heroin isn't, its full of fentynol and other bull shit like that. kills people that would of never OD'd otherwise. that shits whack. the word "purer" isn't probably the right word. "Stronger" probably is just cause its just as unpure, its just stepped on with more active ingredients.

for all i know theres some afghan uncut running around I've never done the stuff unless it was laced in an E pill and then it was only unknowingly. just from what I've read and been told is you either find the strongest stuff you've ever found but its not the same or you gotta do twice as much of bullshit to avoid certain cutting agents. thats all to complicated for me lol.

You guys ever watch taboo on Nat geo? check out island of the zombies. i think it was Puerto rico that they went too. but the people are all fucked up on heroin thats mixed with something. i forget what it was some tranquilizer

veterinary i think. not special K tho.

But these fools are all so addicted to this stuff and it literally makes then non mobile.... dream zoned out..... soooo how do they wash windows for their next fix?????? INJECT METH!!! go buzzing all over and make 10 more bucks and go buy some more heroin lol

sounds like fuckin fun!

youre only speaking of the worst possible scenaios. but, like weed if you position yourself near the source you will never find bunk.