larger looking bags sell easier people think they are getting a better deal at the same weight. it also burns better with no grinder needed. i havent heard what dense buds do for your smoke yet and there are a lot of posts here. tell me why density is better with out involving other factors! you cant!
look man no disrespect to you ,
but i think its pointless for me to post my opinion on the matter
when after reading this whole thread all you did was diss people for them liking a dense bud ,
so far all i can tell is that you like it fluffy just to make inexperienced people who dont grow but buy theirs think their getting more then what they might actually be getting in weight ,
which would make you a shitty dealer !!
im not saying that you are , im just saying that you said that its easier to sell like that !
i hope you dont charge more for it !
you say all these people you sell to like the fluffy stuff and that you keep the other for yourself !
how about letting these buyers you sell too try out a little of some dense bud !
hell your sells just might go up !
imo its the quality not the quantity !
but everyone is untitled to their own opinions !
like i said at first ( no disrespect my man ) ...