Wow big problem


Well-Known Member
Ok, some how or another my fan malfunctioned and my grow box got hot as hell. the plant withered up, really bad. the main stem still looks ok. have i killed it? what can i do to save it? or should i just start all over?


Well-Known Member
it doesn't look that bad right there. but its hard to tell from that pic. a newer better pic would be nice.updated . no what i mean. also does it have any new growth?


Well-Known Member
well, this is before i got fucked up by the lights, all of those leaves are now 1/8th of the size they were. i'll try to get some new pics up. should i top it, or just scrap it and start over?

btw, i only have my phone to take pics, its a 2 mega pixel but doesnt do justice.


Well-Known Member
just give it some time, if you see new growth in a week then it can be saved.
edit: I saw your pic, you'll be fine!


Well-Known Member
it looks like it will make it, i would spray some water on the leaves just to help in re-hydration of the plant.