Wow don't fucking tell me this is a dude


Active Member
image.jpgSo far it's been a week into 12/12 and these are the only ones I see right now what u think


Well-Known Member
im not 100% on it, so u might want some more opinions before u act, but yeah a cluster of balls with no pistils is certaintly a male flower


Well-Known Member
yeah if its putting out pistils its a girl, congrats! The pistils are like tounges on a girl ready to lick up seman I mean pollen


Well-Known Member
Looks like a young Lady, but only time will give you the truth. Things like node spacing and stretching can give some early indications to a trained eye ( I do not posses such a it is something that only comes from experience, so kick back and soak it all up for future grows.

Peace and Great Grows



Well-Known Member
Gotta spread some rep before I can give some more to Adjorr

Also just wanted to say the first picture is a chick with a dick and the second pic looks like a purdy girl.


Active Member
Thanks a bunch guys it's a learning experience that I enjoy and I'll def make sure I post updates of this girly soon :) I alrdy Put the male outside lmao fucker