Wow Grow's Multi Strain Journal


Well-Known Member
WOWgrows multi grain journal............a journal about thats more like it.....................kinda like my shredded wheat though.......

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Hi Wowster, hope your had a pleasant day.
Thank you for the link to the Molassas. I will be using it for my plants now as well.
I have been making Bat Crap tea for my girls this past grow and was unaware that adding Molassas would also work well in the mix.
Dr. Trichome


Well-Known Member
Molasses are like an organic god send amber. I dont like the thought of flushing them with plain water cause it starves them, molasses gives it that little extra boost and the salts in the soil should release a few nutes.

Tucked everything under the screen and its all popped back up overnight, this easyryder better be worth its weight in reeking ganja otherwise Im gonna be gutted lol. It's drinking 3L a day now, thirsty bitch. Check out the stalk on her!

We have purpling on this one wooooo.

Ive just been a complete COCK and nocked the pyschosis over while moochin round in there, lost a few roots to the fall but I really hope she bounces back, had high hopes for that one!

have a good one everyone!


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
wow, your stalk is sooooo greeen and thick, just the way i like them!! please post more stalk pictures. i thinks i is really am getting into this stalk porn that your delievering me. It really looks like that stalk is going to deliever something special. i can feeeeeeeeeeelllll it wowzinator! and dont worry your phsyco will bounce back.. and stronger than ever im sure. you probebly helped add at least a thousand more trichomes to it.. have a wownderful evening wowseph..oloololllolll


Well-Known Member
lol i really hope youre right doc! it will all be worth it in the end... i hope! cheers docatron, hope you have a good one as well.

got a link to your OG journal 323? id like to check it out to see if we get similar phenos or not


Well-Known Member
So thats what molasses does... I keep putting off giving my plants a plain water feed for exactly the reasons u stated, feels like it starves them, and i always get more yellowing leaves afterwards. Gona go get some tomorrow i'm thinking. That stalk looks just like the one on my SD, got high hopes!


Well-Known Member
sometimes leaves get yellow before u start cutting off nutes...
Usually 30percent of my mid fan leaves will yellow at about week 7 and 8.... and this will tell me its time to flush...imo
Even tho i know plants will yellow due to lack of nutes...
I use grandmas ..just cause its cheap..and at the grociery store...
Just a couple flushes...n then the last flush will be compleatly just water...

hey wow hers the link...


Well-Known Member
lol sorry for that half asses reply last night, I was soo damn baked I could get string my thoughts together for more than 5 seconds before forgetting what I was doing haha. Definitely invest in some molasses lilindian, they pretty much saved my grow last round, the wouldn't of been half the size if it weren't for them

yeh Im gonna be adding Canna N periodically through flowerin so should keep most of the leaves green but last grow I didn't do that and got the yellowing about the same time. I'll come check out the journal bro!


Well-Known Member
yeh mate, my snout is all bistery from burn, nasty shit. had to go in at about 2 though, my legs an arms were stinging like shit lol. just been to check the pyschosis and she looks alright mate, reckon itll make a full recovery.


Well-Known Member
its fucking sorching still now i just walked down the shop most of june is spose to be like this, yeah i reckon the pyscho will be fine its a real hardy strain, can handle plenty of nutes too.


Well-Known Member
its fucking sorching still now i just walked down the shop most of june is spose to be like this, yeah i reckon the pyscho will be fine its a real hardy strain, can handle plenty of nutes too.
I really hope it does stay for a while, might have to invest in some sun cream though, I arent havin anymore sleepless nights!

i hope so i just fed mine 2.3 ec ;)
I'm just gonna feed her the same as the trainwreck then, might as well save myself some work lol.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
screens looking really full now man. hope the lowryders tasty, i remember it being quite fruity if my memory is correct is another matter...


Well-Known Member
Easy wowy, that lowryder looks tasty mate just a shame she didnt get bigger for you!! thought about raising the little uns bro?, same as the back 2, so they dont strech!
Goin be mint in there in a few weeks!! :)