Wow guys, I'm stunned. and kind of numb.


Well-Known Member
I was on my way to work today and u got a call, my grandpa just had a heart attack and died! I did my best and got through the day, but man, it just hit me out of nowhere when i got home, all these memories and shit. this is fucking awful. If im not online very much the next week thats why. stay strong and free brothers(and sisters)


Well-Known Member
thats shock my friend. the reason it didnt hit you at first was because your mind was occupied with work

i had the same numb shocked feeling when i saw someone get killed in a 3 car pileup. as i drove by i saw them pulling the limp body of a girl out of a mashed car. i was stunned all day at school. the next day i signed up for the class "coping with death and dying" it really helped me understand life is fleeting, to enjoy what you can of it, and not to let death get you too depressed because its natural. for lack of a better term death is a part of life

RIP to your gramps tho


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to hear about this man! Death is a very tragic thing to have to deal with. I haven't lost any grandparents yet, so I don't know exactly how you feel. I did however attend a funeral this past weekend and helped my parents host the reception for a dear family friend who passed. At least you know how he died though.

I think the only advice I'm able to give is that life is short, you gotta make the best you can of any situation. Cause you never know, it may just be your last.
I really hope that your family will be there to help you cope with this.

Good luck man, and sorry for your loss. :(


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the kind words guys. I wonder/am worried what my grandmas gonna do now, she has been exercising and eating properly(according to guidelines, lol) and taking her meds for her heart and kidneys for the last 7-8 years after she started having the bad heart and kidney problems. I'm scared shes gonna get really depressed and just totally give up and stop taking care of herself like she should and end up having another heart attack or kidney failure and die too.


Active Member
shit man sorry to hear about loss keep strong m8 time heels i know how you feel from when my grandad died


Well-Known Member
I don't want to discourage you, but with the elderly once one goes the other is soon to follow(not all cases). I guess it's because they give up the will to live on without their beloved.

I hope she doesn't go this route and I hope she stays on top of her health so there will be more memories to make :)


Active Member
Sorry to hear about your loss. All of my grandparents have passed on, so I know how ya feel. It's a natural part of life, but it doesn't make it any easier to deal with at the time.


Well-Known Member
I just lost my Gpa about 3 months ago it hella sucks.Keep your head up and think of the good times..Peace


Well-Known Member
Thanks again guys, Ive been prepping myself for it for a while, all my grandparents are getting older(he was 74) and my family has a history of the men dying of heart attacks and diseases pretty early, on both sides, He actually made it alot longer than alot of the males do, most of his siblings died of heart failure/attacks/whatever you call it before reaching 60 yrs, so we were actually really lucky he made it as long as he did. He almost died from a heart attack more than once. again thanks guys, it makes me feel a little better now that ive though of it that way.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the support guys, funeral and burial was today, I found out my grandpa was in the korean war and got awarded some medal of honor or something while over there, something almost no one knew about, my dad and alot of my grandpas horse riding and hunting buddies didnt even know(it was my moms dad). So that was very interesting to see the newspaper clippings from then and pics of his army days. We did a western style funeral sort of since my grandpa was really into horseriding and the whole cowboy thing. The funeral home did something that I thought was just amazing, they pulled out an old funeral....i dont know what to call drawn hearse i guess, and took him from the church to the cemetary in it. My grandmas doing really bad still, it was so hard to watch her keep going over to the casket and look at him and start losing it and then someone would talk to her ya know hugging her and that trying to make her feel better and she would kinda relax a lil while and then repeat the process, over and over again. The military guys at the burial were cool as fuck too, they gave him a 3 gun salute and played that song you always hear them play when a service member passes on. It brought tears to my eyes, which ive got no problems admitting. then the military guy gave a short speech that was pretty generic, but you could tell the guy meant it though. Well, figured i'd say thanks again and let you know how it went, rip grandpa and much love to my brothers(and sisters) on here, thank you guys.


Well-Known Member
I think that's so cool about the horse drawn hearse!!! The 3 gun salute and the bugle/trumpet player was playing taps likely. It's been the standard for like ever, so I'm sure that was probably the one they played. I'm glad some aspects of the funeral were enjoyable man. Way to wish your grandpa to a better place! :)

Stay strong man


Well-Known Member
i left something out i just realized, it was incredible how many friends of my grandpa and grandma showed up, we had the whole church filled and people were actually standing in the back b/c the pews were full. over 150 people, and their were alsoALOT who just stopped in to say sorry and pay their final respects to him and signed the guest book and left b4 the funeral. over 400 people showed up and signed the book altogether, thats counting the 150 in the pews who stayed too. I never imagined even close to that many people, i was thinking it would be like about 100 showing up w/only 50 of them or less staying for the service and burial who were the people that meant the most to him and vice versa.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry about your loss, Darkdestruction. It sounds like he was a really grand person (absolutely no pun intended).:peace: