Wow, I cant belive my friend......


Well-Known Member
Well we all have dumbass friends dont we?

My friend just harvested some OG kush.. and dried/cured it.

THEN. SPRAYED it with fuckin the halowwen hair shit that makes your hair sparkle.. its like spray glitter...

I gotta say the buds look fucking awsome LOL but, at the same time, i really cant belive he did that, just to turn a profit.. the nerve of some people. Lol I just looked at him like he was an idiot...

Just thought id share this.. lol


Well-Known Member
If I were the buyer I would reject it. They've got to know that it has something on it and since using silica and crushed glass on stuff on the street is on the rise I'd be suspicious.


money!!!! and the shit people will do to get it. if it was real og kush it didnt need all that. woulda sold just fine


Well-Known Member
It must have been some schwag for that to cross his mind. But the idiot should have just cooked that shit and sold some god damn halloween goodies. What a n00b


Well-Known Member
Man that's sick. Sucks to be the sad buyer of that. Mabye you should explain the benefits of selling good bud to people. They will always come back if its good u know?


Well-Known Member
Your friend is a Douche. Capital D.

Thanks for sharing. Hopefully it will convince somebody to grow their own knowing what kinds of scumbag dealers are lurking out there.

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
:wall: Sad People get hurt doing this kind of thing, I would not associate my self with this person as long as they where intentionally ripping people off.