Well-Known Member
That post alone shows your age..
Oh god get over it, just trying to add a little humor to these loaded arguments. Your lack of a sense of humor shows your age too. Are those depends as comfortable as they say?
That post alone shows your age..
Oh god get over it, just trying to add a little humor to these loaded arguments. Your lack of a sense of humor shows your age too. Are those depends as comfortable as they say?
First of all, all of your percentages are off. Second, stop using words like confiscated, you mail them an f-ing check! You willfully agree to all of the terms when you sign up for those things. You think just because you use scary diction like "extortion" and "confiscated" it improves your argument? Nope.
i dont accept your premise because saying ddt kills bald eagles is total bullshit. but lets just play this game for a while....
so you equate killing some birds to killing millions of poor african people.
maybe we could start a new liberal logo.
your mentality is sick.
Your mom isnt humerous brother..its almost 2010![]()
so if i dont "volunteer" to pay my realestate tax, where would you suggest i live? if i refuse to pay my "voluntary" sales tax, where do you suggest i shop? if i only pay in for my cellphone service and withhold the "voluntary taxes" how do you suggest i call my daughter to tell her i have to pick her up early from school?
my percentages are off? wanna bet? look at your bills.
so if i dont "volunteer" to pay my realestate tax, where would you suggest i live? if i refuse to pay my "voluntary" sales tax, where do you suggest i shop? if i only pay in for my cellphone service and withhold the "voluntary taxes" how do you suggest i call my daughter to tell her i have to pick her up early from school?
my percentages are off? wanna bet? look at your bills.
More than a million africans would die if they started using ddt on the same scale as they were initially. Our whole world would have been affected(World population is at close to 8 billion). Thats the problem with you right wingers, you don't see the big picture. Its the same with global warming.
Well for starter you could always move to another country if you don't like it...
And you are including benefits in your 30%, which are not taxes.
Also, I work at a truck stop, and I know for a fact that gas taxes in my state are nowhere near 50 cents. I would say the national average is about 30 cents.
so you are saying you have no problem with letting millions of africans die a horrible death because YOU think the world is overpopulated? interesting.
show me where you got your "million africans would die if they started using ddt"?
you cant, its totally made up in YOUR head and not based on any reality.
really? 30 cents.
well national average per state is over 47 cents a gallon. unless you live in the state of denial
really? dude, go back to school. malaria went the way of polio until YOU GUYS, LIBERAL TREEHUGGERS, successfully got it banned. now its again one of the major killers, now pay attention here, OF POOR BLACK PEOPLE.
thank god you libs help the poor. imagine if you didnt how many more people you would kill.
There's a legitimate debate here about the pros and cons of ddt in controlling disease vectors, but it's not as simple as you seem to think it is. It's not even really a left vs right thing....that evil socialist UN world government body known as the WHO actually agrees with you on this one. The problem is not the use of ddt, it's the indiscriminate blanket use of it that has serious consequences for people's health AND the ecosystems they live in. There is no point in eradicating malaria if you give everyone cancer and destroy their livelihoods. But that's not to say that targeted use of it isn't warranted at times...
Very good points. And you're right, that topic isn't even pertinent to the left vs. right debate. Republicans just try to find an argument against libs wherever they can, and I don't blame them for reaching, they don't have much to work with...
Edit: Sorry to all republicans that actually know what they are talking about. I only mean to criticize the ones like this guy, they make the rest look really bad.
Actually you were saying a million africans are dying because they discontinued ddt. I was saying way more people would die if they continued the use of it.
And the bold part in your quote, never said that at all. Show me where I said that you crazy bastard. Right wing debate at its best right there, never actually make a point just twist around the words of your opponent. Keep trying, everyone sees right through this garbage.
when you do things like this, it makes you and your side look bad too ya know
You are including both state and federal taxes. Can't really include state taxes if your argument is condemning federal policy. State taxes have nothing to do with libs, they are voted on by the individual states.
Ok well now that we've seen the thread go to Left and Right.
Can somone tell me who the first president was?
dont let these FACTS get in your way of thining the world population.
who needs a couple million more african kids anyway?
what? so i am wrong cuz i included ALL the taxes? oh, i must be dumb.
i condemn statists at all levels not only feds. i showed you where you are wrong in black and white yet i am the dummy? right.....good one.