WOW shes flowering fast!


Well-Known Member
hello smelle fingers. there is no "certain" length of time for veg stage. when growing inside you basically get to choose how long to veg. u can leave your plants in veg mode from seedling up to months (even years). i hope u get what im saying. if i had to say so myself. the average length people veg in about a month!
im new to growing and was woundering how much i should be watering my plants i have them in 3 and a half gallon pots and they are 4 weeks into flowering and around 3 feet tall i am just kinda thinking im underwatering them please help much thanks


Well-Known Member
If you are underwatering they will be wilting before you water them. As long as they are growing fine, you are good.

For the OP, it depends on how big you want them to get. You can figure on them getting about 2-3x the height they were when you started flowering. If you start flowering at 18 inches they could end up being around 4 1/2 ft tall. Indica dominant plants will be towards the shorter end, sativa dominant closer to the taller end of the scale.
alright bro thanks i havent really seen them get much taller and its almost 5 weeks flowering i give them a quart and a half water
like 3 times a week does that sound good ?? some people say water until they drip out the bottom of the pot ? thanks for the help guys


Well-Known Member
if you have the right temps and your ladys are drinking aften 3 times is good i give them 2-3 times a week depending on how much they soak up and she may be slowing down in growth to use energy to make the buds mine havent grew much durring flowering not sure if that is normal maybe strain but the buds sure look gud!
ok thanks bro the room stays around 74 and they are lookin dank just wasnt sure if i should give them more water until they drip out of the pot im giving them a quart and a half


Well-Known Member
i agree with the answer above. water when your pot feels light. i also used 3 and a half gallon pots. there is a huge difference in weight when the pot is dry or wet. once you use this method your good to go!!! Thanks evryonefor posting. if u guys have pics i would love to see ur plants!!


Well-Known Member
it got to a point where i was literally watering my plants every other day. then there would be times i would water once a week. do not designate watering times. just water when the plant tells you shes thirsty!!! happy growing!!
i had one more quick question i have a mold problem on one plant i need to know what my humidity should be between ?? i need to go buy a gauge today thanks


Well-Known Member
if u have mold the i dont think your underwatering. where are you growing your plants? wat kind of ventalation?


Well-Known Member
i will post som pics tomorrow of my plants. they are doing very well. im sure they are loving all of the light they are recieving. i got my new camera in the mail today. unfortunatly its a christmas gift so i have to wait. no big deal!

i was worried i was gonna run into heat problems with this light. luckily the highest temp it reaches is about 87 d.. i wonder id hps lights get hotter than mh? hmm.
i had them in my closet but now i leave the doors open and the humanity is at like 40 to 54 manly 50 and the temp is around 70 but just some white fur mildew on 1 plant but i used some safer spray on a cloth and wiped the white fur and it looks better and smells better now and no brown buds on this plant but on some of my other plants they have some amber looking hairs already is that too early to be seeing that at 5 weeks into flowering ?? thanks for the help highly appreciate it


Well-Known Member
hell ya cam. atleast u noticed it before it started to spread. i got that same mold on a couple buds that were curing. luckily i caught it in time too! so what kind of bud are you growing?