Wow this is scary, need help fast.


I have mostly sativas in their 42 day of flower. This is my first grow. I got a powdery mildew and was pretty aggressive with bicarb of soda. I was sure it was a hot enough day, but three small plants immediately went to rot.

I have destroyed them, and cut away everything I can find that I'm sure is rot from the big plants, but there are too many variables. I had recently given them a bigger than usual shot of nutes, and some could be burn. Some of the spots where the top hairs are really turning brown, could be because they are somewhat shaded, and now fully mature???Bud rot question 001 (Medium).jpgBud rot question 004 (Medium).jpgBud rot question 003 (Medium).jpgBud rot question 006 (Medium).jpgBud rot question 002 (Medium).jpg

The plants are outdoors, and recently under a translucent tube cover because of afternoon thunder showers. They are all in 10 GAL. + pots.

I really want the soda residue off, but I'm SCARED SPITLESS to add foliat water at this time given what it did with the soda!!!!

Thanks for your expert input to save my ladies while I save my kidney!


Well-Known Member
Them dont look so hot. I will let a outdoor expert chim in but.... It looks to me like you have some pretty bad spider mite issue or some sort of bug. Any webs?


Well-Known Member
try foliar feeding with water + fungus killer, and water them with a fungicide too. i wouldnt leave anything on the leaves.


try foliar feeding with water + fungus killer, and water them with a fungicide too. i wouldnt leave anything on the leaves.
No webs no bugs. The white stuff on the leaves is all bicarbonate of soda residue. Bud rot question 007 (Medium).jpgBud rot question 008 (Medium).jpgBud rot question 013 (Medium).jpgBud rot question 010 (Medium).jpgBud rot question 009 (Medium).jpg

Here are some pictures of the "airiness" of the cover, and of my little buds which look fine (to me) except for the rust colored spots. (and soda residue)


Well-Known Member
those purple leaves are from cold temps at night(below 65). the lime green color of the plants says that your lacking some N, and the brown spots are calcium deficiency.

P getting clotted with cold temps
View attachment 1797504

early N deficiency(lime green)
View attachment 1797505

compared to a healthy plant
nitrogen healthy plant july 19, 2011 @90 days, 3'2'' tall.jpg

calcium deficiency
View attachment 1797507

I recommend you feed your plant. and also add in some cal/mag every 3rd watering(molasses contains cal/mag/iron too)