man my plants are only 4 days younger than yours and maybe half the size.. makes me think my bagseed has crap vigor..
thoose bushes looks amazing man. extremely healthy...
WoW those thimgs are looking amazing. They have gotten so fucking big. You mentioned clones in the post have you taken clones and have you can you update pictures of those? or are you taking clones after you sex the plant.
im on 6ml each right now ... lol. the blackjack have really displayed a low tolerance for high feedings. I will bring them up to 10 probably topping it off in the next week if everything looks fine on the tips.
lol crazee is right but i have a portable a/c that i have blowing into both my veg and flower chambers. It usually stays around 70-83 f in there. Costs me around 100 a month to run the a/c 24/7 ... lol.
Nice thats not too much so lets do a math... You have 150 a month for 3 - 4 months for grow.. = 600+ nutes and coco + setup Cost= 3000= 600+3000= 3600 for a op grow. Now do you expect with 3 plants you will get over a LB. If not you have really lost money on this? But i guess you have to think of it as you havent used all the nutes for just those plants. So lets bring nutes + setup down to 2400+600= 3000. I dont know im pretty drunk right now trying to think of money..... NVM Awsome grow
I guess thats what the first grow cost but the second would be 600 for electric + nutes= 600+300 = 900 so i guess on the second grow is where money starts adding up in the sense of return on investment... Now its all making sense in my head....
nah im gonna be golden ... this whole thing is make me WAY more than ive put in it. The initial costs were the hardest part, now i am up in running and can choose to upgrade if i want when i have more money. You also gotta think that most of the electricity i use is that damn a/c and when winter comes around i wont be using it anymore : D . That will drop running costs to virtually nothing! I cant wait till winter.