WTF are these


Well-Known Member
i have a brand new worm compost bin, the one where they can travel up and down the tiers, and a spout for the tea.
well ive only had it for a couple of weeks, coco coir as bedding.
been feeding it only shredded paper, leaf material, some crushed egg, and i sprinkled in some pond zyme ( a natural enzymatic cleaner, it does not do shit, but i put it in there figuring it would not hurt)

the reason i am describing this is because it is indoors, so i dont undertstand wtf is crawling all over. there are thousands of these little white bug ,i mean really tiny, and they are crawling all over the fucking place.
at first i thought they were worm babies, but i googled worm babies, and they look nothing like worm babies.

the only lead i got is beetle mites, and from the description i read it seems like it is ok for them to be there,

but i need to know WTF they are, someone please


Well-Known Member

this is the pond zyme product i put in, i read the the description again, i dont think this had anything to do with it. It is bacterial spores ( that break down organic material) and barley

why do i have this you ask?, well on another forum i read that pond enzymes are the same shit that nutrient companies sell us but hundred times more concentrated. so i bought it to test it out, and placed a generous amount in a cup of water with roots, and nothing happened for a long time, it smelled like shit. Roots still there tho.


Well-Known Member
Sounds similar to my worm farm. I had a problem with soldier fly larvae, there were thousands of the bastards, although yours sound too small for them, it could be some kind of larvae attracted to rotting food.
The only way I could get rid of them was to stop putting food in there, I put only 1 banana a week for a month.
You can also try fly spray, if it's quite light the worms will dig for cover as they dont like the light, and then spray.
Also try stopping the pond stuff.
Hope this helps, do you have any pics.

miss sensimilia

Active Member
hey, just read your post...i had a problem with these little fuckers a while ago, incedentally not on a cannabis plant, it was a mimosa plant, but either way, id reccomend you try and get rid of them. they dont really seem to do much harm at first, but my plant just went really brown and died a month later. Fly or insect spray would probably be a good idea, but obviously you have to be cautious when it comes to pest control. try find stuff that youd use on veg or other edible (or smokable!) plants, to avoid contaminating your crop. i hope they go away anyway!!!


Well-Known Member
I have read the marijuana is toxic to earthworms.
While the mites sound benificial I still wouldn't want them in my worm farm.
Have you tried asking the people you bought the worms from, I took pics of mine and emailed them to the seller and they were most helpful.


Well-Known Member
al b fuct had a worm compost bin, and he dumped all his trim in there

contacting the worm company is a good idea


Well-Known Member
OK, maybe it isn't toxic, someone posted it here once that's all, so I've never tried it.


Well-Known Member
Holmes..... Fret Not..... Smoke a bowl, put on some Pink Floyd & browse this website.....
To get rid of them, cut up an apple into 1/8 inch thick slices, drop a few of them on the surface of your worm bedding..... within an hour..... most all the little suckers will be on the apple slices... toss the slices in the trash...... problem pretty much handled..... repeat as needed......
Little critters like these are just part of worm farming....... the link I gave you is not meant to be an insult.... I like cartoon characters teaching me shit, when I've seriously blazed..... the info is dead on solid and easy to follow..... even with short term memory issues like mine.... (usually caused after bowl number 4 of some AK-47)..... LOL......
Hope this helps..... (if you don't have any PF.... Kotton Mouth Kings....will work also)
Keep it Real.....Organic....


Well-Known Member
after reading the info from the friendly worm i think i know what ive done wrong.
i overwatered, they have nute burn
and i put to much food cause most of it is rotting and smells like shit

can i just air it out and put some poisen on them, i dont want to touch that shit


Well-Known Member
Too much food was my mistake as well, it rots and then attracts other critters.
A worm farm should have no smell, or smell like garden soil after rain.
I'm not sure what you mean by overwatered and nute burn, I thought you had a tiered plastic worm farm, you don't put water in there unless you want to drain it straight away for worm tea, there is plenty of water in the vege scraps you feed them.


Well-Known Member
the nute burn thing was a corny ass comment. I read that the bin need to be moist, so i was generously watering the tiers. its fucking soaked :)
im sure that helped something go wrong. Oh and another thing, i was not burying the food, i just threw it on top

fuck i know i have to get in there and clean, but i dont wanna yo


Well-Known Member
I know the feeling, when I had the soldier fly larvae infestation I didn't want to go anywhere near it.
It's OK to put the food on top, no need to mix it in, the worm activity mixes it all up.
Put a damp cloth over the top of the food scraps, it makes the worms feel more at home.


Well-Known Member
i got done with the dirty deed, i removed a lot of crap.

does this mean that the compost is infected, can i use any of this?


Well-Known Member
How did they get there to begin with?
The worm farm guy told me he had seen insects laying eggs through the ventilation holes on the lid, they are attracted by the smell of rotting food, so I now keep some fly screen covering the holes.
You need 4000 worms before you really start getting castings on any sort of regular basis and it can take some time before you get to this level if you only started with 1000 worms like me. I've since added 2 "worm bombs" which have 1000 babies and eggs each but I'm still a little way off full production as my larvae infestation was eating all the food.:eyesmoke: