Wtf are these???

Cant quite make out the bugs , i think mealy bugs or scale insects.
Get some organic based insectiside ( made for vegging / flowering / fruit ) and spray leaves. Capt. Jacks Bug death , neem oil or similar.
That looks nasty., Sorry to say that., How u didn't catch this earlier before this massive infestation? Do a habanero pepper solution for cannabis goggle it. GL
Was doing some pruning and noticed these things. They are a new one for me. Wtf are they?View attachment 3822213View attachment 3822214View attachment 3822217
Do this. 1.) Get a sauce pan - fill with one pint of water - put on lowest flame possible (do not boil !!!).
2.) Chop 4 -5 Habanera peppers fine. Chop open seeds and central membranes, as the power lies there.
3.) Simmer chopped peppers for 20 minutes - making sure not to boil (you will destroy the active proteins).
4.) When you put your head over the pan and the wispy-steam stings your eyes, the Calicleaner is ready.
5.) Pour the Calicleaner through a fine mesh strainer - a little fine grit is OK - let cool in a clean bowl.
6.) Pour room temperature contents in a mister spray bottle. Your are ready to apply.

HOW TO APPLY Calicleaner
1.) Put on gloves, and wear a mask, or at least put a bandana around your nose and mouth.
2.) Turn off all fans - you do not want this spray in your eyes!!!
3.) Spray the bottom of EVERY leaf - starting with the bottom leaves first, work up to the top.
4.) After the bottoms are done, hit the tops and the stems.
5.) Squirt liberally in new leaf pods - tightly wound new leaf growth (the small mites hide there).
6.) Get the heck out of the room till it clears.
7.) Repeat procedure with each plant.
8.) Spray the soil, the pots, and the floor or earth around the area to kill dropping mites and stop migration.
9.) Wash hands with soap and water when complete - the stuff will heat-up skin for 4 hours.
10.) DO NOT WORRY. Though the stuff is lethal to mites, the plants love it.
Those are definitely Scale insects ... They WILL KILL your plant. Even worse is once they infest your buds , they are next to impossible to remove from them . Those look like the " armored " kind which are more difficult to kill as the insecticides have a harder time penetrating. They suck the juice out of your plants. They also secret a sticky residue.

Azamax can kill them . But try low toxicity ways as not to poison your plants and making them worthless . Foggers WILL NOT WORK. I would get Capt. jacks Bug Death , pour a small bit into a cup or small saucer and grab an old toothbrush... Dip brush and apply directly to bugs , leaves AND stalk.

Good luck.
Those are definitely Scale insects ... They WILL KILL your plant. Even worse is once they infest your buds , they are next to impossible to remove from them . Those look like the " armored " kind which are more difficult to kill as the insecticides have a harder time penetrating. They suck the juice out of your plants. They also secret a sticky residue.

Azamax can kill them . But try low toxicity ways as not to poison your plants and making them worthless . Foggers WILL NOT WORK. I would get Capt. jacks Bug Death , pour a small bit into a cup or small saucer and grab an old toothbrush... Dip brush and apply directly to bugs , leaves AND stalk.

Good luck.

How about a 1 inch wide paint brush? What a nasty mess.
That's armored hard scale brought in by ants
those stay off the buds but will cause a decline in general health , will kill a whole stem if they too many on there
as they suck from large stems & at fan leaves , ants collect the piss off these to drink , the piss also causes black mold to form on all surfaces it collects on . U gotta kill the ants 1st , , these scale can be killed by ISO alky dabbed on with a cotton ball or swab
look at the regular plants around your building , you will find one that has a active infestation of scale (look for black mold on the ground/walls) or on nearby plants & the ants are farming / carrying those out to your plants
the ants like to keep them all together in bunches on larger stems just below the buds
Thanks for all of the replies. With a place to start researching from, I too believe the little bastards to be aphids.

I only have this plant growing right now. Instead of destroying the whole plant, I went another route since it wasn't going to harm another plant by trying something else. I pruned everything below the main colas, as that is where the infestation appeared to be concentrated. I could not find any evidence that any bugs and made it up to the colas.

I am guessing that I got 99% of the infestation by pruning. The remaining nasties I hope I can get with Azamax. Since I pruned everything below the colas off, I can spray easily without hitting the bud.

The heavy pruning may shock the plant. The bugs my persist. But I think it is worth a try to salvage something.

When the grow is done, it will be time to decontaminate both veg and flower room!

Has anyone used a product called TempoSC Ultra or something similar? I use it around the house to kill stink bugs and box elder beetles that like to try and get inside the house this time of year. Once it dries, it is safe for people and animals and is acceptable for indoor use. It last for 90 days and works fantastic. I am thinking about spraying the room with it, prior to starting the next grow. Thoughts?