Wtf do I do...

yeah like everybody is saying put something worth growing in it's spot. Smoke what it is, but nobody is going to want that more than likely. No matter how long you go.
any one ever heard of if you veg a plant longer that it can take longer to bloom out to harvest.. i reading a article on it ,, the dudes gotta be smoking someting heavy..
could it be cooked down into simpson oil or cbd oils or anything???
Generally if you veg longer they tend to bloom faster as they are sexually mature. Everyone so far as said it's a lost cause. I understand your frustration though case in point had someone watch my room gave the pictures of if you see this take them out please and burn it. Well needed up with two males while I was gone and end up with 24 pollinated plants they too went in the wood chipper
That plant had to have herm'd.. and you kept it in flower another 3 months to see if it'd bounce back... right?
no it didnt hermi full out, till just recently seen a few nanners ,, but the other one i had threw nanners just before it harvested,, so i was getting excited there but its been a month and shes still growing fox tails,, i know the plant needs to be chopped down,, just wondering if theres something useful that can be done with it,, out than just waste
just wanna do something usefull with it is all,,
secondly what would cause them to stall out for so damn long,, i know its gotta be close to root bound, but damn i flowered the same strain in a smaller pot and as about the same size... just wanna prevent it in the future
just wanna do something usefull with it is all,,
secondly what would cause them to stall out for so damn long,, i know its gotta be close to root bound, but damn i flowered the same strain in a smaller pot and as about the same size... just wanna prevent it in the future
What's your setup?
1200 watts hps cooled hoods, soil using nector of the gods one soil additive along with some bone meal and guano, im in 15 gal. pots.... temps stay around 72 to 80deg..
my other plants budded out just fine and was harvested, and the 2nd batch is in and looking just dandy,,
Sorta the point done sinking money into it.. and the space .. the buds are heavy and large .. but it's gone to far as is...

What was the strain?
There are long running landrace sativa's....24 weeks is telling me you have one, and you didn't know that some sativa's don't amber much. Some not really at all. When a sativa starts to foxtail. It's generally telling you it's done or darn close to being done.

Harvest and dry/cure properly.....You might be surprised by it (in a way).

I do have to say, I've run some southeast Asian strains that ran damn near 24 weeks....I found that if you'r not getting a finish to speak of in a long running sativa.....Lower your lighting time to 10/14 and that will get her finishing more positively, and quicker.....12/12 lighting times tend to allow landrace Sativa's to go too long, and have what I call a "weak" finish.
Generally if you veg longer they tend to bloom faster as they are sexually mature. Everyone so far as said it's a lost cause. I understand your frustration though case in point had someone watch my room gave the pictures of if you see this take them out please and burn it. Well needed up with two males while I was gone and end up with 24 pollinated plants they too went in the wood chipper

This true for only a plant from seed!
Clones are as old as the mother. Some will express sex, by throwing pistils as early as 4 nodes. Environment plays a roll to.
I had a SSH a lot like that one. I didn't let it go 6 mo though. I copped her and jarred it up. It smoked just fine. My friends loved it because it was free!
That looks looks like a bud that I would not even want to smoke at all, get some decent Indica beans and start over.

What was the strain?
There are long running landrace sativa's....24 weeks is telling me you have one, and you didn't know that some sativa's don't amber much. Some not really at all. When a sativa starts to foxtail. It's generally telling you it's done or darn close to being done.

Harvest and dry/cure properly.....You might be surprised by it (in a way).

I do have to say, I've run some southeast Asian strains that ran damn near 24 weeks....I found that if you'r not getting a finish to speak of in a long running sativa.....Lower your lighting time to 10/14 and that will get her finishing more positively, and quicker.....12/12 lighting times tend to allow landrace Sativa's to go too long, and have what I call a "weak" finish.
I'm not sure what the strain is I got it from someone it was a room tester so I didn't fuck good strains with a shit room.. and I loved the smoke.. this one is just,taking longer and is fox tailing like crazy... I do though think it is a heavy sativa because before all the fox tail it's a flipping bean pole of a plant.. grows just like train wreck...super skinny all the water/sun leaves fall off like 1 mo into bloom... so when that happens I'm not at all surprised with this strain... but I don't mind getting rid of the plant.. just want to use something from it .. shit I'll make a body rub from it for all I care .. but I'd prefer to sell it as some Reggie crappie and make 20 bucks a qtr.... or Oz don't care just want to get the cost of nutes off it....
I'm not sure what the strain is I got it from someone it was a room tester so I didn't fuck good strains with a shit room.. and I loved the smoke.. this one is just,taking longer and is fox tailing like crazy... I do though think it is a heavy sativa because before all the fox tail it's a flipping bean pole of a plant.. grows just like train wreck...super skinny all the water/sun leaves fall off like 1 mo into bloom... so when that happens I'm not at all surprised with this strain... but I don't mind getting rid of the plant.. just want to use something from it .. shit I'll make a body rub from it for all I care .. but I'd prefer to sell it as some Reggie crappie and make 20 bucks a qtr.... or Oz don't care just want to get the cost of nutes off it....

FUCK what the peanut gallery says! Harvest, dry, cure and smoke it! It'll be better then they think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IT DOES sound like a Sativa dude! It looks like one that got let go! BIG TIME!

IT WILL SILL smoke ok! Hell, if you don't like it - BLAST it or make butter, and you'll get something out of it!
Lol. I still say scrap it... shit will prolly give you a headache if you smoke it. Shit happens man. Move forward.
FUCK what the peanut gallery says! Harvest, dry, cure and smoke it! It'll be better then they think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IT DOES sound like a Sativa dude! It looks like one that got let go! BIG TIME!

IT WILL SILL smoke ok! Hell, if you don't like it - BLAST it or make butter, and you'll get something out of it!
Lol. I still say scrap it... shit will prolly give you a headache if you smoke it. Shit happens man. Move forward.

Your confusing in a way!

Nice plants in your avatar pic. You know how to grow.....You don't seem to know about the plant...
Headache's are from early harvested weed.

If anything, he'll get more of a locking style buzz from any old colored trich's.......thing is it didn't color on him - sativa thing for some strains.....It WON'T hurt him.....I looks bad.....It may smoke out of this world!

The best sex doesn't come from beauty queens! Think about that a minute.....

He can do what he wants with it! I say TRY IT! Fucking strongest thing I ever smoked was from lower buds left to mature on the plant, and left too long under strong UV lighting...FA - KING UGLY shit!...That shit was flat out stupid gas! In-fucking-sane stone! BLINDING like a good pull of some budder off a nail!
Fuck, people went damn nuts for it! 400 a zip was the first offer, from the first guy who tried it!
I have a plant that's been flowering for close to 6 damn mo... there's no light leaks been checked many times.. using heavy bloom nutes... and I've also had a harvest of 6 other plants with no issue.. and have a second set doing just fine with no issues...
I have pics but have no idea how to post them in the forum...
Looking for ideas of how much longer or what could be done with this...View attachment 3871524 View attachment 3871524 View attachment 3871525I had to take the yoyo's off to get some air in there looking to make a grid system for her....
..What the fuck are you even..