wtf happened to me today?


Well-Known Member
k, this morning i had:

blunt, filled w. a dub of some medical indica..
a space cake(concentration was 1lb of shake in 3 batches)

3 hours after that, had another blunt and a couple bowls

around 4-5 hours after that, i had another blunt and a couple hits off my sneak-a-toke

so, after all this smoking, i went to my friends house, and i started to feel insanely body was pulsating, my heart was racing, my ears started ringing, i started sweating, and my eyes got real heavy as my body felt we go inside, and i smoke another blunt w/ my buds thinking it'll make me feel better..well it made it more intense.

i got out of the chair after smoking the blunt, and as i got up i started shaking and blacked out..i got up and we went to taco bell and i ate some food, went back over to his place, and i went to sleep and just now got up.

anyone know what happened? it was freaky..(im fine now btw)

This is completely off topic but you look kind of familiar and I live in sac too. What highschool did you go to?


Active Member
A "whitey" or "greening out" as I call it is just gettin way too damn high on weed, and that's exactly what happened to you! I've had a buddy do it right after we got a new bong, and I've personally done it. I took a white owl phat single tube hollowed it out and filled the whole thing with 1/3 ounce of bud. An hour later I was blacking out and even puked. That's why weed is so cool. Even if you do way too much it doesn't really hurt you, you may get dizzy, faint, and sleepy but that's bout it! :joint::mrgreen: :peace:


New Member
.....and people say you can't get 'too stoned' ... haha...

One time my ex and I smoked a whole quarter between the 2 of us in one sitting. I seriously smoked myself straight.. Didn't even get sick. Kind of a waste, but at least I can say I smoked 7 grams in one sitting! lol


Well-Known Member
k, this morning i had:

blunt, filled w. a dub of some medical indica..
a space cake(concentration was 1lb of shake in 3 batches)

3 hours after that, had another blunt and a couple bowls

around 4-5 hours after that, i had another blunt and a couple hits off my sneak-a-toke

so, after all this smoking, i went to my friends house, and i started to feel insanely body was pulsating, my heart was racing, my ears started ringing, i started sweating, and my eyes got real heavy as my body felt we go inside, and i smoke another blunt w/ my buds thinking it'll make me feel better..well it made it more intense.

i got out of the chair after smoking the blunt, and as i got up i started shaking and blacked out..i got up and we went to taco bell and i ate some food, went back over to his place, and i went to sleep and just now got up.

anyone know what happened? it was freaky..(im fine now btw)
Maybe you need a job??


Well-Known Member
A "whitey" or "greening out" as I call it is just gettin way too damn high on weed, and that's exactly what happened to you! I've had a buddy do it right after we got a new bong, and I've personally done it. I took a white owl phat single tube hollowed it out and filled the whole thing with 1/3 ounce of bud. An hour later I was blacking out and even puked. That's why weed is so cool. Even if you do way too much it doesn't really hurt you, you may get dizzy, faint, and sleepy but that's bout it! :joint::mrgreen: :peace:

IMO truly a waste.

if it was quality I mean.


New Member
Yeah !! fck being a product of working government controlled society !

I'll live in a little house on the prairie and do everything the good old fashioned way. lol.. Grow weed all day and feed the chickens n shit.


Well-Known Member
.....and people say you can't get 'too stoned' ... haha...

One time my ex and I smoked a whole quarter between the 2 of us in one sitting. I seriously smoked myself straight.. Didn't even get sick. Kind of a waste, but at least I can say I smoked 7 grams in one sitting! lol
no, you smoked 3.5

my objective for 420 is to take a a whole quad if not more that day.


New Member
:sigh: I was hoping no one would say anything about that.. Making the whole thing less glorious sounding. haha I probably smoked more than he did anyway.. I take huge hits... and I'm kinda a chiefer :D and plus we were hotboxing the car.. So I got all of the second hand smoke.


Well-Known Member
no, you smoked 3.5

my objective for 420 is to take a a whole quad if not more that day.
My buddy has annual bong olympics, last year there were 28 people and 17 events this guy has a massive collection of glass bongs (nice ones, hard glass hand blown inside out, diffusers, pull carb glass on glass) 23 in total and a bunch of bubblers, events like the 2 gram jam (smoke 2gs first to win) people were blacking out, the elevator which is where you lined up 5 bongs and pack .1 in the first .2 in the secound and so forth up to .5 in the last and you have to smoke all 5 bowls as fast as you can witout coughing. All in all I have NO idea how much cannabis I consumed, but alot of people dropped out because they got so hungry by the 8th-9th hour they went to taco bell. There were about $500 worth of glass ware that was given as prizes there were 6 judges but alot of people were disqualified for leaving early. LOL. All in all good times, over a half p of maryjane turned into smoke from 12 noon to about 1 in the morning. LOL. Good times. This year its in december, christmas trees here I come.:weed: