wtf, how do i get to my rollitup now? I've looked everywhere and cant find it.


Well-Known Member
this is insane.....

i loved the old site , this new one is gonna take some time for me to get use to...

some time , yea right more like some

im bullshitting im fucked up and not giveing a fuck right now...

hopefully it wont take long for me to adapt....


Well-Known Member
+rep for teaching me how to rep! lol It's like i have to learn the whole site over but...

it's a fresh look,for sure.. little time to get use to but overall i like it!!



Well-Known Member
Maybe we all should rep each other for experimenting and sharing this new version tips and tricks. The star thing is on the bottom of the box you are reading. As you scroll over it, it pops up something simliar to what we are used too. DD, I just hit you up. Goten...sorry, you got it from me recently.


Well-Known Member
You hink you have it bad? Every one of the threads that I started do not even xist. They're gone and my Northeast thread and ssed bank thread was taking off.


Well-Known Member
who played gold miner today? i got to level 3 this morning before i went out to blaze 420 all day

i also miss the my last 5 posts and last 5 threads sections
ill have to be subed to each thread im interested in and section them so there manageable


Well-Known Member
who played gold miner today? i got to level 3 this morning before i went out to blaze 420 all day

i also miss the my last 5 posts and last 5 threads sections
ill have to be subed to each thread im interested in and section them so there manageable
hahahaha I got to level 4 I think,then I was about to advance when I picked up a giant gold brick but I fucked up and hit up and it chucked a stick of dynamite at it and blew that shit up lol,I was done after that.