WTF is a calyx how do i tell the diff


Well-Known Member
how do i tell the diff between a calyx and a male pod ? Im sorry to be so urgent but nobody will help me out and ive searched the Grow Faq and googled it , I have an plant where i picked a bud off of and it had a pod , may have been a calyx , when i poped it ihad white liquid in it . please help these are my babies you all understand if you have grown


Well-Known Member
The male ball sack is acorn like in shape, here are a couple of pics. The first pics is the ball sack, and the second pic is of the acorn like thing you find in your soil, I suggest you dont let it get that far.



Well-Known Member
is that a pic of a male pod after its pollinated? Im wondering how you tell the dif between pods and calyxes thats all , please lemme know if they give off a white liquid when you pop them ( the calayxes) >?


Well-Known Member
no i never found a pod in my soil , the ladies havent been pollinated , im wondering if calyxes have white liquid that comes out if you pop it ... :hump:


Active Member
Stop the violence holmes! Pop pimples not calyxes!! (Im selling shirts that say that $15 each). Anyway sorry man I dont know of anyone who has popped one to tell you the truth.. Post some pics of the questionable plants?


Well-Known Member
the seed pods are like just that, they look like little pods on the end of a twig, calyxes look more like...tear dropped shaped things. usually green, while the seed pods themselves are more whiteish. i dont know about the liquid tho, i dont wanna pop mine, i wanna shmoke em.

Suwannee River Rat

Active Member
I am supposing that calyx formation on AF's are the same as reg weed but want to be sure, anbody have any input? My plants are from 6-8 in tall at 25 days, not sure how many nodes should be there with th AF's but I have at least 5 to six on ea plant.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
the calyx will swell with white creamy jizz.. i popped a few fat ones thinking they were seeds! but they just swell sometimes its all good!!