wtf is DMT

I'm telling you, it disolves your brain cells and they never grow back and then it washes the suff that it desolved down into your spinal column where it stays until you are stressed out and then it comes out and goes back into the holes and you freak out again (but only for 5 minutes).
you are talking about DIMETHYLTRYTAMINE???????

alright man...


and whoever you get information from is a real hoot!
i wold not recomend it! the head high is cool but you realy have to go into it with balls if you want to trip. other wise its a you might or you might not thing and you dont know if you will have a good trip or bad trip its 50\50. the body high just ruins it all! in my opinion.
I'm telling you, it disolves your brain cells and they never grow back and then it washes the suff that it desolved down into your spinal column where it stays until you are stressed out and then it comes out and goes back into the holes and you freak out again (but only for 5 minutes).

As has been stated in this thread N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (aka DMT) is not an N-methyl d-aspartate receptor antagonists and as such there is no concern that it could cause N-methyl d-aspartate receptor antagonist neurotoxicity at all.

Dextromethorphan (aka DXM) is a N-methyl d-aspartate receptor antagonists and as such there is concern that it could cause N-methyl d-aspartate Antagonist Neurotoxicity in humans. However serious question have been raised about the conclusions that have been drawn and the author of the original study has retracted his claims.

I feel I should explain where I went wrong. Although I do not believe this explanation excuses the mistakes I made, you do speculate about my motivations, so I think it fair to respond to that. When I published the NAN argument -- which you rightly critique -- I did not, as you suggest, believe I suffered cognitive impairment or lasting psychosis from DXM use. I do appreciate that you dismissed the possibility of fraud; it has always been important to me to provide accurate and balanced information. I failed to do so, in this case, and am quite ashamed of that.

Four unrelated events occurred in the six months prior to publishing the NAN warning. First, I received an influx of reports of lasting cognitive impairment from DXM users (in retrospect, of course, I realize they were not sufficient for the conclusions I drew). Second, I was contacted by several very vocal critics of the DXM FAQ, two of whom were angry enough to make threats. Third, I discovered that adolescents were making extensive use of DXM and misunderstanding, if not dismissing outright, some of the more measured warnings in the FAQ. In response I made the classic drug war blunder: if they aren't listening, try scaring them. Fourth, and perhaps most influential, I was experiencing a hypomanic episode and did not recognize either it or the mistakes I was making (I do not know whether DXM triggered the episode itself, though when I was diagnosed as bipolar, I had long ceased DXM use and history prior to DXM use was considered relevant).

Even at the time I expected a critique or rebuttal from the community; the only one I recall receiving was to the claim that nitrous oxide was an NMDA antagonist. I found this quite surprising. I should have submitted the paper to others for review prior to publication online, just as I did with the FAQ itself.

Erowid can help you catch up on the research.
you are talking about DIMETHYLTRYTAMINE???????

alright man...


and whoever you get information from is a real hoot!

I used DMT in 1970 and I learned about the holes in your brain from my physical Education teacher and coach - he was always right and he never lied. They used to put DMT in fake tattoos and give them to kids who licked them and put them on their skin. Then they got holes in their brains and later turned out to join the Tea Party.
I used DMT in 1970 and I learned about the holes in your brain from my physical Education teacher and coach - he was always right and he never lied. They used to put DMT in fake tattoos and give them to kids who licked them and put them on their skin. Then they got holes in their brains and later turned out to join the Tea Party.

I am glad you have smoked nn-DMT at least once in your life.
but it doesnt sound like you have...

i could see it if you really think about it.
but no person in the medical community will admit this.

and I cannot trust what anyone says except my own intuition.

too much of anything cannot be good
I used DMT in 1970 and I learned about the holes in your brain from my physical Education teacher and coach - he was always right and he never lied. They used to put DMT in fake tattoos and give them to kids who licked them and put them on their skin. Then they got holes in their brains and later turned out to join the Tea Party.

Cando you do come up with some serious horseshit man!

You might think this is a joke, but this is about the 5th time I saw you spread pointless stuff about drugs. I mean its funny on the first read but its shitting where you eat.
Cando you do come up with some serious horseshit man!

You might think this is a joke, but this is about the 5th time I saw you spread pointless stuff about drugs. I mean its funny on the first read but its shitting where you eat.

right man?!?!

i think I found out where STUPID drug rumors come from....


shitt....he probably was the one who made up the rumor about if popping your back the next day after tripping....
will make you trip again.

didja use another Forum website for that one, Canndo???
Cando you do come up with some serious horseshit man!

You might think this is a joke, but this is about the 5th time I saw you spread pointless stuff about drugs. I mean its funny on the first read but its shitting where you eat.

Tenner, anyone who actually takes this sort of thing as truth, without examination, without introspection, without research is doomed anyway. Yes, I think it is hilarous what people will believe - if it comes from one's teacher, or one's best friend or one's coach it doesn't make it any more valid. If I can't joke about myths and bullshit that arises around illegal substances on a message board where the most generaly knowlegeable people share their thoughts then where CAN I do such things? I encourage people not only to do their own research about the chemicals themselves but those who dispense advice and guidance on this site.
However, it sounds like you have NOT done you're research. Not only is it unlikely that you tripped on DMT in the 1970's, unless you processed the material yourself and absorbed it into bud or something else smoke-able. It sounds like you just take your teachers word for everything. If you are truly knowledgeable, you need not use your teacher as certification, you use evidence or actual experience.
Or you should just not make jokes that will probably go over everybody's head. This is a forum where the majority, if not all, of the members smoke large quantities of pot. People tend to be a bit more gullible when they're stoned.:eyesmoke:
However, it sounds like you have NOT done you're research. Not only is it unlikely that you tripped on DMT in the 1970's, unless you processed the material yourself and absorbed it into bud or something else smoke-able. It sounds like you just take your teachers word for everything. If you are truly knowledgeable, you need not use your teacher as certification, you use evidence or actual experience.

Parsley flakes.. I never took anyone's word for any chemical that I put into my body, not then, not now and especially not a coach in the 70's. Actual experience is great but experiencing something does not necessarily make one an expert.
Or you should just not make jokes that will probably go over everybody's head. This is a forum where the majority, if not all, of the members smoke large quantities of pot. People tend to be a bit more gullible when they're stoned.:eyesmoke:

You may have a point. then again, the actual myth was that MDMA left holes in your brain. Anyone with half of a brain left should quikly surmise that mad cow disease is likely not caused by X. I don't recall anyone ever saying that DMT, a chemical that happens to be native to most brains in one degree or another, causes "holes in the brain" - but I will refrain from here after from making such jokes - unless and until someone else posts this often repeated little myth.
I know you don`t mean bad canndo but your making the right choice here. I know your a clever dude too, I listened to your advice and received PM`s off you about tripping before.

But best think that the poor old drugs have enough on their back as it is. They need our support at all times man! =)

Peace out :)
I know you don`t mean bad canndo but your making the right choice here. I know your a clever dude too, I listened to your advice and received PM`s off you about tripping before.

But best think that the poor old drugs have enough on their back as it is. They need our support at all times man! =)

Peace out :)

i value your input and friendship Tenner and would do nothing that was unreasonable to place it it question - i have to admit that i have a strange sense of humor, mostly self depreciating but at times at the expense of those who don't see pictures most clearly or completely.
one thing we can all agree on at rui, we all like drugs. I wish rui would have a end of summer festival good way to try some trips, middle of the woods hippy style