Wtf is eating my plant?


Well-Known Member
I was actually gonna say u could use great white...I personally have never used I won't knock it...I hear it's actually awesome ...but it's expensive as hell...I have always been reccomened plant success and have always used works good man...and it's a lot cheaper...but yeah its basically what I'm taking about....u can still get some and mix it up and pour it on the freshly transplanted ones...that shit works...
I was actually gonna say u could use great white...I personally have never used I won't knock it...I hear it's actually awesome ...but it's expensive as hell...I have always been reccomened plant success and have always used works good man...and it's a lot cheaper...but yeah its basically what I'm taking about....u can still get some and mix it up and pour it on the freshly transplanted ones...that shit works...
Oh fasho so its basically the same stuff but different brands? Im not about big brands, no need to pointlessly waste money


Well-Known Member
Good to hear's always good to see a plant u thought was gonna eat shit and croak bounce back and start lookin Purdy. ..I got one more of mine transplanted and I def don't have anymore room's a cluster fuck and a half in my poor ol closet ...I checked my roots..and mind you my plants are much bigger than the one that u showed me ..and they are by no means circling the cup...not at all...a lot of the finer roots are sticking outa the side of the soil that touches the inside of the cup...they are by no means root bound...but I still like to transplant them before they reach this far....keep me updated on ur progress my man...I'm no weed good @greasemonkeymann lol but I would be glad to help u a log the way as would ever one else im Sure...
Good to hear's always good to see a plant u thought was gonna eat shit and croak bounce back and start lookin Purdy. ..I got one more of mine transplanted and I def don't have anymore room's a cluster fuck and a half in my poor ol closet ...I checked my roots..and mind you my plants are much bigger than the one that u showed me ..and they are by no means circling the cup...not at all...a lot of the finer roots are sticking outa the side of the soil that touches the inside of the cup...they are by no means root bound...but I still like to transplant them before they reach this far....keep me updated on ur progress my man...I'm no weed good @greasemonkeymann lol but I would be glad to help u a log the way as would ever one else im Sure...
I just added 4 clones to my collection and I think ill start a grow journal. Ill be sure to invite you! Its my first grow but theyre already gonna be moved haha. Probably only updates once ever 2 weeks, hopin to grow dank buds on a budget. We shall see
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