WTF IS GOING ON? need help


Well-Known Member
i think my plant is being gey it's fucking 4 inches and 2 weeks old this friday and its gey it ant fucking growing well the house is at 70 degrees and i let it get light for 8 hours a day (sun light) iv seen pictures of 2 week old plats that have huge leafs on it mine hasent even got them 2 little leafs on it yet well it does but there fucking small. it's pissing me off. plus i have to hid this fucker from my dad. cause hes a parent that care's..... is there any way i can get it to gro faster i mean i can let it get sun light for 8 hours and then put in my closet for the nigh and repeat it but w/e please reply fast. and go to my gallery and the first picture is the plant im talking about


Active Member
its looking sooper stretched from the pics. im a newb but 8 hours of light definately is not enough. they should be getting 18-24 hours of light until they are about a foot tall when you can switch it to 12-12. do u not have any lights?


Well-Known Member
It's a lot of work to do all of this, I guess you don't have any lights... This is the wrong time of year to use the sun. Now is when the plant is in its last days of flowering to a few weeks past that.

The plant is so tall because it's looking for light. I'd say hit up the FAQs and see if anything can help you with your light choice or a next year crop. Sorry bud


Well-Known Member
You're lucky it hasn't fallen over yet, that little sprout is stretched. You need some support around that stem pronto.
The sunlight during winter isn't enough to raise a plant on. You need a light if you want it to grow at a normal rate. No amount of chemicals or water will make up for lack of good lighting.
If you can't give it a grow light, (there are florescent bulbs that could do the trick), you could just put up with the slow growing until spring, and it'll start growing just like everyone else's. IT'S NOT THE PLANT'S FAULT. Nor is it your fault, you just started growing at the wrong time of year.
Also, What are you going to do once it becomes a recognizable marijuana plant? How often does your dad come into your room?
How much money are you willing to spend?


Active Member
Dude... your best bet would be to get some CFL's or some Fluorescent tubes for your closet and leave them about one inch away fromt the plant(movign them up while ur palnt grows of course lol). If youve been putting the plant in ur closet at nigth jsut leave it there all the time with those lights and when your done the Veg state switch to a HPS or metal halide light...atleast 250 watts. Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
Does your dad check your closet for new cardboard boxes? Get to home depot, buy a "HPS or metal halide light, at least 250 watts". Ask them for a big cardboard box. They'll have a ton that are just lying around.

1)When you get home cut a hole in the back of the box for the light's extension cord to go through.
2) Get a wire hanger, or some other easily bendable non-burning something and punch them through the roof of your box so that there is something hanging down inside to secure the bulb to the roof of the box.
3)Put the bulb in the box, secure it to the roof, put the cord through the hole you made. Plug it in.
4) Make sure it's secure, if the light falls it might fall on your plant.
5)Put your box in front of the outlet so you can't see the cord, it may seem obvious, but I just wanted to make sure.
6)Put aluminum foil on the sides of the inside of the box for extra light, if you'd like.
7)Put your plant in there. Unplug the light when it's had the amount of daily light it needs.
8)Don't forget to water.

The box might get hot, if you think that it is becoming too hot put a fan in there with your plant. But not until you give that fragile stem some support.
Good luck!



Active Member
how old are you?
Sounds like he's 10-12 just learning to curse with a squeaky little voice.

Don't grow in your parents home without permission.
Any punishment falls upon your parents and they could potentially lose everything that belongs to them.

I'm pretty sure they don't have anything to worry about though since that plants going to die in the next few days anyway.

diesel mecanix

Active Member
1) I would say you are well under 18....2)growing in your parents home is ridiculous. 3)You know nothing about lighting so don't risk burning your parents house down for 1 plant not worth it.

Timmy the Toker

Well-Known Member
Come on people, POUR IT ON! tell him that he cant grow in his parents house. Im sick of you people trying to be D.A.R.E. Officers.| He obviously deosnt care about growing under his parents noses! AND NIETHER DO I. My parents take my pipes and my weed and have returned them to me. Im well aware of the risks and im willing to take them. I only grow 2 plants for a couple weeks and bring it somewere els to finish. I suggest you start them inside and throw them outdoors, Growing a full plant for 7 months in your house is over the top and risky. Everybodys situation w/ there parents is different, And it deosnt sound like your parents are even cool w/ the weed situation in your house = I dont know your situation so I wont bash you. Finding a grow operation in my house would not surprise my parents. Growing in a cardboard box is a stupid idea tho. That has FIRE HAZARD writen all over it...

I have the same problem man. My plants are stretchy also and have been growing for 2 weeks. I was using an Incandescent lightbulb at first which is not effective at all. this caused the plants to stretch. I changed to a florescent and i keep the light hovering about an inch above the plants, And i started putting a fan on them when i could. This stoped the stretching. I also added more soil to give the stem support, And you could also use a toothpick and some sewing thread to keep that thing from falling over. < I just asked the same question you did about a couple days ago and that was the best advice.

-Add soil
-tassle that thing up
-Keep the light close enough were it wont burn the plant
-Use a fan if possible


- Growing in a window cill wont work man. | believe me ive tried...
You need to get a florescent bulb on that thing pronto, If you cant get away
w/ having a light on for 12 hours then it just isnt worth it.


Well-Known Member
That cardboard box idea sounds like a good way to start a fire with an HPS.
Orly? Because that's basically my set up, (See pictures below) Cardboard box, covered in aluminum foil, with pieces of a wire hanger punched through the top. Keeping the light fixed to the top of the whole thing...
Maybe I use a different light? 6400K Compact Fluorescent. I figured HPS was the acronym for something close to what I use.

Of course, my parents are allowing me to grow, because we already agreed that I'd share the rewards. :mrgreen:


Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
the best way I have found to support weak Stems when they are young is to take a fat straw, for maybe that extra thick milkshake, cut it to the length needed, then split it length wise. Then just open it up, put the stem inside and then let it coil around the stem. Then gently push it a little bit into the dirt.. WALLA.. Instant automatic adjustable plant


Well-Known Member
man... You people are goin a little hard on our little friend,,, he just needs a 42w cfl from hd, and everything should work itself out,,,, yeah right,, who am I tryin to kid,,, that thing is toast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1