WTF is going on??


Well-Known Member
IMG_0007.jpg with in the hour most of the leafs are curling toward the light there not too close and they were left in darkness for about 24hrs whats going on? it's in it's 4th week of vegging under a 400w MH


Well-Known Member
I dont now why you left them 24 hours in the dark but i wouldnt do it again lol . Anyway in that pic they look like they are drooping not as you mention reaching for the light ?. Anyway if they are pointing upwards good be a few things 1 is your light could well be a bit to high of in some cases its a sign of a healthy plant. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
I left them in darkness for 24 hour because I was gonna put them in flowering but I forgot to transplant to a bigger pot