WTF is taking so long


Well-Known Member
my seeds cracked, i planted them about half an inch in the soil. its been about 3 or 4 days and nothing. no sprouts.. nothing.. am i being too impatient. seeds: GH alaskan ice
soil: scotts premium potting soil

Now im thinking about ordering more seeds, but afraid to order


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ive had certain seed break the soil within 3 full days and ive had certain seeds break the soil within a week and a half. personally ive found it easier to use solo cups to start in if i dont germ them first. IMO i would give them a little bit longer and then if nothing happens i would try again. sometimes the seeds simply wont germinate. i normally get at least one that doesnt germ. it happens. alaskan ice does sound like a really nice strain, i hope they come up for ya. peace.
Relax, it'll happen when it's mean to happen. If by a week from now they don't show up, consider it an epic fail.
how did you germ them (paper towel, streight into soil, or did you soak in water then into soil). you really dont have to put them a 1/2 inch under the soil. i just cover them up with soil, maybe like 1/4 in under. packing the soil can hinder the plant from breaking the surface too. ive seen some ppl on here that think the seedlings dont need light, your giving light right. i hope they show up. good luck.
I didnt pack the dirt, i just simply covered it with dirt being very careful not to pack it. after I covered it, i allowed the lights to run 24 hours. I germinated the 1st seed in the paper towel. when i saw that they cracked and i saw a little green tip coming out, i planted it. the second seed cracked after i placed it in a cup of water. the 2 seeds cracked within 24 hours. The rest of them never cracked so i planted them anyway hoping that they would but no signs. OVERALL I HAD 7 seeds and out of that 7 only 2 cracked.
Wanna trade issues . . . I've got one up for two days without a split on one side of the cotyldons.

I'd say leave yours be a few more days. Maybe warm the soil surface?

Stuck Blueberry pics below.


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did you water the soil before you planted them?
did you water after placing them?
i believe its best to water the soil thoroughly before planting.
Let it drain out, place the seeds in and then water VERY LITTLE
after they are in there.
if you didnt water before planting but watered after, the seeds were
probably pushed down further into the soil, thus taking longer to make there
way to the top of the soil.
also try and keep the it warm and humid in the cup.
place a piece of plastic bag over the top of the cup and
use a rubber band to keep it tightly fit around it. (greenhouse method)

good luck money. -Lit
yeah increase humidity. Also, I subscribe to total darkness until it sprouts, and then light. Lastly, keep them nice and warm. Oh and what was said about making the soil damp before planting, not packing the soil, and only going down 1/4" all seem to work very well.
when you plant them, they should be, in humidity domes...
for my seeds, to crack, within 2 days
after, i have planted them, i put a piece of plastic, saran wrap, over the top
& wrap the side of the pot, with a rubber band, to keep the plastic from falling off
that helps, the humidity, & the air around it, keeps the pot/cup warm
after, you see it, sprout, remove the plastic wrap

looks like, they are not, in a humidified place...
nevertheless, if you do get more seeds, try, what i just said...

good luck
when you plant them, they should be, in humidity domes...
for my seeds, to crack, within 2 days
after, i have planted them, i put a piece of plastic, saran wrap, over the top
& wrap the side of the pot, with a rubber band, to keep the plastic from falling off
that helps, the humidity, & the air around it, keeps the pot/cup warm
after, you see it, sprout, remove the plastic wrap

looks like, they are not, in a humidified place...
nevertheless, if you do get more seeds, try, what i just said...

good luck

lol, not for nothing, but didnt i say basically the same thing? :-?
seems like my posts are invisible round here on riu. s'all good .. lol