WTF is that? Warning 400x...Bug?


Active Member
What in the hell is that thing.. a mealy bug or something? took a small sample and he was on there.. did lots of exploring previous at 400x and i didnt see this before... .. I think its a thrip.. what should i do .. ? Is there anyway to get this (these) bugs out of here? he is eating my trics just munchin on them wtf? a few pics... please tell me what i can do lo
flipping out.. if i found this one in a little sample they are prob very abundent huh? at a 24 hour dark period should i cut now to stop further damage or what? hundreds of tric pics no bugs tho.. this was a sample from the top of the cola


flipping out.. if i found this one in a little sample they are prob very abundent huh? hundreds of tric pics no bugs tho.. this was a sample from the top of the cola
Shit man this one really slipped by me.. ill be paying attention so much closer next time.. how will this affect harvest ect? safe to smoke? will they keep mutiplying on the finished buds? everything really appears healthy .. crispy leaves and i did find black spots before.. was advised they were nothing but now looking back i found they are feces from the bugs.. Pulled a leaf off and found two more on that.. its prob pretty bad
harvest it and throw it in a refridgerator for 12 hours just to make sure it dosent hatch all over your bud
Rofl dont they keep bugs in the fridge at pet stores to be taken home for lizards and such? .. is that a proven method .. dont want to be incubating the bastards yet Lol... Really really good lookin bud too.. found about 10 more of those little things on the leaves.. do you think that sounds like a large infection? or something that started recently?> no visable damage except brittle leaves poop spots and a bit of yelling on top of leaves..
I wouldn't worry about it, munching on those trichomes, those larvae aren't going to be doing anything for a while! Seriously though, this close to harvest you don't have anything to worry about. Once you dry the buds, it is no longer a good habitat for any bugs and they take off. Any lingering dead larvae or eggs won't hurt you if you smoke them. If you have been smoking weed purchased off other people for while, chances are you have already smoked a whole bunch of bugs and stuff.
looks like a thrip larvae to me.Look for silvery patches on the leaves,they eat em.once they mature they grow wings and can fly to any other plants in the area.i would recommend getting some monterey garden insect spray it works the balls on the little bastards
On fully flowered bud? How would that work?

guess worse case they get fully grown and fly off during the long cure

Only ended up finding about 10 of them total on leaves.. so there are prob 50 i didnt see stuck in the bud.. i was watching that fucker suck the juices out of the tric heads one by one... do you think they get fucked up? what a life haha.. stuck in resin *slurp*
harvest it and throw it in a refridgerator for 12 hours just to make sure it dosent hatch all over your bud

Most larva like that can withstand long periods of cold very easily.. I use lots of different larva for icefishing and the best way to keep them alive for long periods is to refrigerate them. Shoot...I've left grubs outside... in below 20 weather for a week and still had 10% of the bugs revive after bieng completely frozen
bugs need o2 also Put your stash in a jar and drop a peice of dry ice in there for hell i dont know 6 hours + just to make sure the co2 get to everyplace inside the bud you could always just dry ice cure it also either way with kill those bastards
