WTF is this bug??


Well-Known Member
Ok, I was tending to the garden today and one of these little fuckers jumped up out of the hydrotron. I tried to drown it out and grab it (how big could his teeth be after all?).. but no idea if it worked as I haven't seen it since. First live one I've seen. Looked high and low but couldn't find a pic of it anywhere on the net...

These pics are from a few dead ones that were in spider webs and the little one looked identical. I thought the ones in the spider web were centipedes, but the little goof in my pot looked just like them and not a centipede...

any help on the freaks of nature in my basement would be great..
I hit the plants with some insecticide soap, and I have nicotine spray brewing as we speak.. urggh!!!! hate basement growing.. want to go back to my nice clean city op!:evil:

edit:.. I would describe it as a spider with like a ton more legs.. as the torso wasn't elongated like a centipede l...



Well-Known Member
OH thank CHRIST!

Now this little bugger was white though.. like almost see through looking.. same thing? Cause if they are ok then I won't nicotine spray them...

thanks so much.. look for your rep+ from me all of you..


Well-Known Member
Honestly.. the little one that came out from the hydrotron was like clear looking.. and the body section looked to me to be smaller than centipedes I'd seen in the past.. I live in the country and I have seen bugs.. but nothing like this little shit.. seriously gave me the creeps and not much does but I used insecticide soap, and I'll leave it be. I saw a little burn mark on one of my leaves, and started wondering as there were alot of blue bottle flies (I think that's what they are called.. at least that's what I've always called them) around when I started up the grow.. they aren't there anymore, but I was wondering if this could have been some scientific larva of something that could be feeding on the roots of the babies..


Active Member
dude they aint nothin.

but they do get bigger, about large grasshopper size.

and they are fucking fast, really really fucking fast. faster when adults than children fo sho.


Well-Known Member
OH thank CHRIST!

Now this little bugger was white though.. like almost see through looking.. same thing? Cause if they are ok then I won't nicotine spray them...

thanks so much.. look for your rep+ from me all of you..
It's def. a house centipede. They love moist warm basements and the hydroton would be an ideal place for them to hang out. They do have a clear-ish/white body and vary in color from what I've seen. They wont hurt anything, but they always make me jump.


Well-Known Member
dude they aint nothin.

but they do get bigger, about large grasshopper size.

and they are fucking fast, really really fucking fast. faster when adults than children fo sho.
Ya, I went after the little guy and he jumped around pretty fast. I'm apparently more protective of my plants than of my own well being as it could have been anything as far as I knew.. but glad that people have seen ones that look similar.. new breed for me!

It's def. a house centipede. They love moist warm basements and the hydroton would be an ideal place for them to hang out. They do have a clear-ish/white body and vary in color from what I've seen. They wont hurt anything, but they always make me jump.
Again, the re-assurance the body could be clear on them makes me feel better about them being there - and worried about the amount of soap I sprayed into the hydrotron to kill the little bastard for nothing.. I think a res change may be in order tonight yet!

dont put THAT in your pipe man.
LOL.. I'll stick to "buds" and stay away from "bugs"


Well-Known Member
its a sliverfish crazy lookin bug it loves damp and dark places....

Thanks Kash, I know what silverfish look like, and it wasn't that. I'm still having a hard time believeing it's a centipede, but, there are pics on the net that are close.. but the real one here still looked really pre-historic..


Active Member
god i hate those fucking little beasts and i get them in my apartment.
that settles hydro growing for me....ever


Well-Known Member
I didn't have them on my last grow.. I had no bugs.. moved and I'm in a basement now.. I'd say no to basement growing before hydro.. it's like that Ron Popeil's easy bake over... Set it and forget it...
I don't stress so much about the whole thing.. usually check the in the morning when I roll out of bed make sure everything is working ok and balance the res.. and that's it.