WTF is this bullshit? Take a look!


Well-Known Member
we just got a shit ton of rain.... so maybe that could be it.... i dont overnute, only once a week. what ever it is the small fan leaves are curling up and they have those purplish brown spots. wtf im so confused... anyone have a clue?




Well-Known Member
Agian I am no expert but for the spots I found this

MANGANESE (Mn) Necrotic and yellow spots form on top of leaves. Mn deficiency occurs when large amounts of Mg are present in the soil. Foliar feed with any chemical fertilizer containing Mn. somthing to look into Maybe some of you expert can chime in here


Well-Known Member
yea it all just came at once.... after raining for 3 days hard. I know for a fact its not over nuting and there arent any bugs...


Well-Known Member
Well I'm no expert either but I had a similar problem with my girl. The bottom fan leaves under the first bud branches started to have brown spots.

The brown spots took over the leave and eventually it died. I just plucked it off and went on my merry way. I kept an eye on her and she came out fine. It was like about 4 fan leaves that all did the same thing where as the rest of the plant was fine.

My advice is keep an eye on her and if the browning spreads then ya got a real problem. If its isolated to a few leaves then you should be fine and your girl will recover fine. Remember that these are very hearty plants and can take quite a beating.

Hope that helps a little.


Well-Known Member
yes, thank you... i still want to know what the hell it is though... and how to rid of it.


Well-Known Member
what is the temps I have seen a lot of purpling caused by cold weather/rain whatever it may be. I am not an expert but I would say it doesn't look like a mag deficency (ugh cant spell today) keep watch on it ........ i hope some experts can come and give ya some better answers sorry and good luck i will be watching


Active Member
When theres been excessive rains, your plants can suffer from the obvious overwatering, and less obvious underfed. I grow tomatoes outside in the summer against my house. When it rains, the water flushed the soil way too much. Ive noticed that I have to step up the nutes once the rain clears, or my plants get spots and curling. I use Organic EJ outside because it seems to be so forgiving. Hell, I dont even really mix the raios in it anymore.

I'd say that once the gals soil dries out enough, water in a little bit of nutrients. Then, allow them to dry and hit em again with your full strength nute regiment. Since rain is so nuetral, I seriosly doubt your suffering from a buildup of nutes... quite the opposite. Hope this helps. Happy growing!

Holy crap, this post is over 2 yrs old. Guess im a priest today, thats a hell of a resurection!