Wtf is this!!???? Is she dieing


Active Member
First thing the company name is Tokengrow as i stated before it is a tea bag he makes you seep it in 5 gallons of water and this is your food he has different tea bags for different times of the grow so in veg there are 2 teas to use draw 1/2 gallon of each in gallom jug check ph and ajust if needed i shoot for 6.5 then when you go to 12/12 there is a main tea for the rest of the grow and at different weekly peroids there are diderent teas to add once you do it it is real easy the strains you are seeing are skunk #1 and critical ,and 1 purple urkel ,now the cabinet is an old picture ,but right now i have 8 girls cut from clones the mothers are the plants i am harvesting now ,i also have 20 clones going in the clone cabinet cut from the girls in the Veg cabinet i manage to get a crop in 60 days so today is Sunday i will manicure the girls and hang in flower room for 3-4 days in the dark ,once hanging bud is dry to go to Jars then bring 8 girls from veg room and go straigt to flower ,with this method i should get 5 harvest a year with thes strains which are mature between 55-60 days in flower ,hope that makes sense A min of 3lbs a grow so 3 x5 is 15 lbs a year on a small legal grow 100_1303.jpg100_1465.jpg100_1618.jpg100_1730.jpg100_1465.jpg100_1840.jpg100_1831.jpg100_1847.jpg100_1850.jpg100_1894.jpgpicture 1 is my mixing table #2 is my clone cabinet made out of pvc tubing and a bar-b-q cover made to fit #3 the back side of the veg cabinet #5 inside veg cabinet #6 building flower room # 7 this is a 5x5x5area holds 8 plants perfect for the lite so you see all aspect of the grow that i have makes it sweet .Happy Farming ,Cajun
i pop the door open when lights are on, get fresh air every day
Do you have a fan pulling sufficient air out f the tent? the sides of the tent should be pulled in a bit when its running this will indicate you have good negative pressure. If not then i suspect what you found on the soil was mould from poor air circulation.


Well-Known Member
Cajun, I went to the tokengrow website and ordered some samples. I trying to figure cost, about how much you use for the whole grow. I also have a MME. I like soil, do you use plain soil? It looks like the tea bags would cover nutes from start to finish. Thanks for the


Active Member
ok how many plants I tink 4 would be plenty in the tent how long to veg? i go about 4 weeks after clones have rooted and transplanted ,so put that in the tokengrow calculator and it will come back with what you need should be around 45 bucks i guess ,I use fox farm Ocean Forrest ,I do use Moab Mixed with the tea on first 2-3 feedings of flower and also last 2-3 feedings at the end ,if you get Moab dont buy to big of jar goes a long ways WHAT IS mme??


Active Member
Yes the Tea bags are from start to finish no worries i start the tea in veg and full strenght in flower every watering never have gave my plants plane water ever,no burn problems do check you ph and Maintain at 6.5 or near that


Well-Known Member
Like the others said flush em then I would use some hygrozyme to get rid of excess salt build up and kills off dead infected roots great stuff lol expensive but don't need much an works miracles


So I have been flushing for past 2 waterings, 3-4 drops of superthrive and 5.9-6.2 ph, KEEP GOING? When should I add nutes again


they still look like shit, one plant is completely loosing its green color turning to light green/yellow,

I have croc leaf on other plant, leaves are dieing off, flushed her in the bathtub and soaked the soil relal good, nothing changed