Well much to my chagrin I discovered the issue. Some of you mentioned that it looked like it was trying to re-veg.Well it turns out that my timer is junk. I just began 12-12 on my next grow, Nirvana Ice btw and I was a bit late to water on the 3rd night of flowering. Lo and behold the lights were still on I leaned over placing my hand on the wall next to the outlet and the lights went off. Next night I was in the room just as the timer should have gone off,,, nothing a slight tap on the wall and they went off so I ordered a new timer. The old one was one of htg supplies 120v 2 outlet 1800 watt mechanical timers... I bought another cheapy just to tide me over until I can build a good one. I've been bitching about fucking hermi's for a long time. I get on the forum to ask wtf? not one person says check your timer. My dad always used to say when something goes wrong always begin checking the simple things simple things altho I'm pretty sure he was refering to engines and not marajuane but I am now convinced the same holds true for weed. so next time someone asks WTF? Before you buy ph meters, truncheon meters RO/DI filters like I did. Just say Check your cheap ass chinese light timer.
Cheers Bob