Wtf is wrong with it

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
its pale, probably meaning you don't have enough N available to the plant. might be from lack of fertilizing, or from PH issues.

the deformation looks like phisical damage caused by bugs, rodents or a cat.
might be light burns as well - are you misting your plants?


Well-Known Member
To be honest it looks fine apart from the odd tearing of the leaves,this could be from a no of things.Check the under side of the leaves for spidermites also is there any fungas nats flying around because these can also attack the leaves.But if you look down the plant the coulour is fine a little darker than the top.New growth always appears a little yellowish i would just carry on has you are and you should have a nice plant.Try putting it in a larger pot than the one it is in it may be root bound also cut watering down to a max of twice a week.Let her dry this will do the root system alot of good but it looks like a nice forming young plant..........................................TYKE.....................................................................................