Wtf is wrong with me?!?!


Well-Known Member
hahah yeah, masturbation faded is a heavenly feeling ;)
some strains give me what i call "tactile vision" or "sensual vision" where i'll be watching tv and i can feel whatever they're doing on tv. so if someone hugs another person on tv, i feel like im in the tv doing the hugging.

watching porn with that type of a high, yea, well. im sure you get the point :bigjoint:
some strains give me what i call "tactile vision" or "sensual vision" where i'll be watching tv and i can feel whatever they're doing on tv. so if someone hugs another person on tv, i feel like im in the tv doing the hugging.

watching porn with that type of a high, yea, well. im sure you get the point :bigjoint:
i think your trippin on shrooms ;)
haha nah but yeah i get the point. i experience it alot lol

Little off topic but on pills, shit is impossible to pull of lol


Well-Known Member
some strains give me what i call "tactile vision" or "sensual vision" where i'll be watching tv and i can feel whatever they're doing on tv. so if someone hugs another person on tv, i feel like im in the tv doing the hugging.

watching porn with that type of a high, yea, well. im sure you get the point :bigjoint:

TRIP SHIT...ive done that a few times its mainly the sativas that do it to me.


Well-Known Member
i think your trippin on shrooms ;)
haha nah but yeah i get the point. i experience it alot lol

Little off topic but on pills, shit is impossible to pull of lol
i was on different meds for mental health. i actually found that pills + pot makes a GREAT combination. particularly paxil + pot :D

i've never done shrooms, i want to, i just dont really know what to expect. that and im not a fan of mushrooms in general anyway lol. but i hear from a lot of people that my highs with weed are similar to their shroom trips. one day i walked into my house after blazing and i thought i was in an alternate reality. crazy stuff dude! :lol:


Well-Known Member
There is nothing wrong with's a billion dollar industry shit everyone seen or watches porn. Personally I need to clean the old pipes out once a day. Actually you should clean the pipes out once a day for your heath. It cuts down on cancer risks drastically.
There is nothing wrong with's a billion dollar industry shit everyone seen or watches porn. Personally I need to clean the old pipes out once a day. Actually you should clean the pipes out once a day for your heath. It cuts down on cancer risks drastically.
wow does it really? lol i smoke a pack of ciggerettes a day everyone tells me to quit and shit and that it causes cancer but i jack off like once maybe twice a day lol
i was on different meds for mental health. i actually found that pills + pot makes a GREAT combination. particularly paxil + pot :D

i've never done shrooms, i want to, i just dont really know what to expect. that and im not a fan of mushrooms in general anyway lol. but i hear from a lot of people that my highs with weed are similar to their shroom trips. one day i walked into my house after blazing and i thought i was in an alternate reality. crazy stuff dude! :lol:
lol yeah pills to me is a high enhancer, i love smokin a fatty then crushin up some roxys the high is 10x better..

and ive experienced some weird ass shit like that before lol.. one time i was talking to my friend who i thought was sitting next to, i went on for like 20 minutes then realized nobody was there :eyesmoke: