
Active Member
Alright we just cut 14 clones from a 2 plants 1.5 week into flowering about 3 hours ago. Basically we used an exacto knife an sterilized the blade, cut a 45 degree angle about .5" down from lower nodes then cut those shoots off. we also slightly scraped the stem from the nodes down and split it a little on the bottom for a couple of them and then dipped into rooting gel. stuck them into damp but not soaked 1" rockwool cubes and transported from friends to our house and put in the tote. we just went to homey-depot for some soil an shit an when we got back they are all madddddd droopy as fuck. only one 42w cfl has been on, temp is 78.

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. i think we need to cut more leaves off of them but not to sure this is our first time with cloning. plzzz give me some pointers b4 these bitches die lol thx!


Mr. Bigglesworth

Active Member
Could be one of a few things my friend. It could be that they need water. Clones need to be drenched for the first few weeks. It could be your light. Beleive it or not, clones do not loke too much light or too much heat until their root systems develop. You could also have too many leaves on your clones. Sometimes, a clone can not suppot sustaining too many fan leaves and developing a root system. Consider cutting off just one or two fan leaves off of each of your clones. This may help as well. I hope this is helpfull to you.

Peace, Love and Tie Dye,
Mr. Bigglesworth


Well-Known Member
Are you keeping a clear dome over the clones? That is what you need. You cant just put them down in a tub with a light. You need to put the clones in a clear dome and keep them in high humidity for about a week. Then take the dome off but keep spraying them for about another week. Plus it looks like you left to many leaves on them. Cut the lower ones and keep just the top growth.


Active Member
do you think putting straws around them to keep them up will be the trick??.. temps are 74, and we just put a humidifyer in ther.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Keep them moist. They look like you just misted them, that's good. They will wilt a little. Expect them to look better in a day or two. Here are a few pic's of mine after I took them and put them in a home made propagator. I mist them 2 times a day and keep the medium moist. They all pulled through and are going to be ready to flower in a few weeks..... The bucket has one 26w cfl, No need to vent as it stays cool and doesn't give them to much light.....



Well-Known Member
your clones need to be groomed a little. new roots are having a hard time developing fast enough to support all that vegetation.
also ditch the yellow leaves around the bottoms....bugs love 'em.


Well-Known Member
you need to trim, make sure that the medium is damp, not soaked, and also move the light back or make a shade for it.


Active Member
alright i just cut the shit outta them a they look muchhhhhh better. theres still about 3 or 4 that look like theyll be dead tomorrow lol but that leaves me with 10, if we get 5 to root ill be happier than a pig in shit lol. i tried to cut them to about 2-4 leaves each and i cut the tips off some of the heavy fan leaves with long shoots. checkkk it out.

btw that round thing in the bottom left is a humidifier kinda its like a bathroom counter thing that u put water in and it has crazy LEDs that light up and it makes a bunch of fog.

and would ceran wrap work for a "glass dome" lol??? no im serious...



Active Member
alright so i live with this kid hes got me on this damn site now too cuz its addicting so just think of out posts related kinda but neways......

ya the humidifier was kinda overflowing cuz i put too much water in it so it would last longer and it got the 3 closest rockwools to it pretty soaked but i think theyll be dry in the manana so ill make sure to keep it damp instead of soaked.

another question is do we really need some clear dome over the plants and under the light or is it straight with just the rubbermaid lid on top and nothin inbetween thelight and the plants ? the temp stays around 75-79 with the humidifier on and the single 42w cfl. and no fans right now but got a couple computer fans supposed to be delivered like 3 days ago.... that should help the temp a little. i think im just gonna install a single 32cfm one directly over the cfl (like an inch above it). im just kinda worried that the fan will suck out all our humiditity so if the temps are straight ill just let it be i think. Any ideas????????????????????????????

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
The totes lid will keep the humidity in. I put a hole in a piece of foam insulation board and put the light through it and your lid will be better than that. You should be fine misting them 2 times a day. Always check your rockwool after 4-5 days. I thought the misting was enough but my rockwool was drying out because they looked wet but the mist wasn't enough to keep them wet.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
i would recommend vita anti-wilt. you mix it 1 to 7 parts water, almost guarentees 100% clone survival. just use a spray bottle to completely cover them and it seals them but still lets them breathe.also i switched from grodan to rapid rooter plugs. i now have rooted and ready to transplant clones in 7-9 days. heres a link to get them both. i use a humidity dome for the the entire time and mist twice a day for about the first 5 days. the great thing about the rapid rooter plugs is you soak them with as much water as they can hold and its never too much. they are made up of natural stuff so they have many beneficial organisms to help support fast rooting. oh i also use root tech rooting gel. a quote from vita "Sold as a concentrate, this product is diluted and sprayed onto the leaves of cuttings or newly transplanted starts. A thin membrane covers the leaves not allowing water to escape, yet letting it breathe. This keeps the plant from wilting and allowing the plant to establish its new roots. Dilution rate is 7-1. Comes in a 4 or 16 oz bottle."

the first link is rooting gel, the second is the anti wilt and the third is the plugs
Discount Hydroponics - Rootech
Discount Hydroponics - Anti-Wilt
Discount Hydroponics - Anti-Wilt


Active Member
alright so they are doing much much better now all are still alive but one small one is borderline about to die o well. we upgraded the box, we put a bake-a-round cool tube over the cfl and have it venting outside to outside with a 32cfm computer fan. now the fog from our humidifier isnt getting sucked out. we also got all the clones sitting on a metal baking tray that has a small 8 watt reptile heater stuck to the bottom of it. we drilled holes all the way around the tray and have it sitting up on poker chips so water can drain out of the holes into the rubbermaid. temp without the heater on ~73/75 with it on ~79/80. is 79 to 80 too hot?? if so i might put the heater on a timer but would rather just leave it.

wanna say thanks for all of your help, we did pretty much everything yall said and now they look 10 times better! cant wait till they root, we are only on day 4 tho.... ANY SUGGESTIONS GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!



Active Member
have you cut the grow tips out?? also i didnt think you could take cutting of a plant thats in flower....could be wrong....


Active Member
from what ive heard you can take a clone from a plant thats up to 2 weeks into flowering our was about 1.5 when we took the cuttings. i cut off the flowers on all the clones except like 4 or 5 becuase i wasnt sure if you were supposed to or not we will se which ones root faster.