wtf is wrong with my plant

Nutes burn in my opinion. It happen to me too. This is what happen when I gave this girl the recommended dosage. I guess its all strain Dependant. It will continue to bid but expect a low yield. Ya live and learn my friend. Good luck to u.


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ok... fabric is good as roots start peaking out and prune themselves. Bags I find you need to leave a lot longer between watering
[i noticed a couple of things ... That leaf droop , did you just water them or is a dry soil ready to water ?

This is one symptom of problem , the pale yellow mid leaves look like boron deficiency but that should be in FF nutes already. I'm still banking on PH problem either soil or water. Are you using full strength or lower amount.?
Remember less us better. FF NUTES ARE VERY STRONG !

Start with water only for now , allow plant to adjust to no more nutes right now. Look at your new growth ... Is it ok or is there issues ?

Watch plant for awhile and see if rest of plant looks like it is getting better. I probably wouldn't pull leaves off because plant is stressed. I would keep water only for week to see how plant does without feeding. When plant revives you can cut leaf across knuckle to "cripple" that leaf so plant doesn't waste energy on trying to revive that damage . Cut leaves are better than pulling for now as plants continues those bad leaves will die off and be ready to pull ( crispy dry ).
An over feeding CAN recover. But remember plant is stressed right now Don't Trim , Prune , NOTHING.

Give her time yo recover without any new feeding. A regular watering routine is like a slow flush without stressing an already stressed plant.

You don't want a HERMIE ... :o

Let us know how it goes ... Peace
2 is recovering and 1 is recovered 100% other then the cal mag prob i will water with my tap water till i get my cal mag plus