WTF Medical Marijuana

Change The Debate

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New Member
Who believes that the medical aspect of the marijuana debate is a load of bollocks? Well let's face it the medical aspect IS the debate.

Fair enough, I'll admit that it does have some psychological benefits and maybe a few physical ones too. In all honesty though I truly believe that people just like to get stoned... we come from all walks of life whether ill or not, rich or poor... Come on, let's change the debate... Let's tell the fucking truth!


Active Member
Your poll isn't clear to me, so I'm not voting. I will say that there are definitely people that benefit from the use of Marijuana, such as HIV patients, cancer patients, those with glaucoma, etc. My wife has a friend with HIV that tokes to induce hunger and to generally take the edge off. I see nothing wrong with that.

The flip side to the argument: if we start throwing bombs that infer medicinal users are full of crap and get legislation headed back the other way, where will we be? I'd much rather see liberalization towards use in general, if not just for medicinal purposes.


New Member
That's what I'm talking about. The medical benefits of marijuana are negligible compared to the buzz. So if I want to smoke I've got to go to a doctor and make up some bullshit to make it okay? Compared to modern medicine marijuana is very pale, no competition whatsoever. Your wife's friend may well induce his appetite by smoking but not as well as he could by taking a prescribed medicine. People like to get stoned, even people with HIV. The medical qualities of marijuana are not going to make it legal for us all to smoke. I don't even believe that it's a start. We drink because it gives us a buzz, well some of us prefer to smoke, wtf's wrong with that?

They have no right to tell us we can't grow and smoke weed, no right at all.

I know that these medicinal claimers are full of shit and science is even right now declaring this to be the case. We will always lose the debate because we don't tell the truth.


Well-Known Member
I am a medical marijuana patient. I didn't make anything up to get my mm card. By using mm I was able to quit taking Fiornal (that contained codine) for my migraines. The marijuana also was a huge help in controling my stress. I suffer from OCD. There is no cure but it helps me manage. My doctor agreed that this would be helpful.

While at the Alternative Medicine Outreach Program I have met many people who have quit taking perscription drugs far more addictive then my codine and with horrible side effects. Some of these people have quit everything cold turkey and simply rely on medical marijuana to help them make it through the day . So don't say that this is just a bunch of people who want to get high. To some this has been a real lifesaver!


Well-Known Member
skunk, I have always valued your opinion, but on this, you do not know what you are talking about. To be honest, you sound like a narrow-minded DEA Agent. how can you sit there and say what every canna-person is thinking? That is mind boggaling! Without a doubt, people smoke to get high like myself, but not all people are like me. some actually have different priorities. I cannot sit here and tell you what a cancer patient is going through. I don't know? same thing with an AIDS patient, never been put in that boat either. if it makes thier life happier and possibly more enjoyable, cuz lets face it the prognosis is not promising, let them do it without harrassment from you, me, and dupree (sry had to throw that in there just watched). I would rather see someone tokin a fat-hog-leg than popping hydromorphone like its candy. PEACE!


New Member
It makes most of us happier when we are smoking. That's why we do it. I do it because it keeps my head straight and stops me feeling aggressive; so in that sense I too am using marijuana for medical purposes.

Marijuana is a very psychological drug, and I simply do not rate it as a pain reliever. It did nothing for my tonsilitus (the worst I've ever suffered from the affliction), yet a soluble tablet from the pharmacist worked wonders.

We all like to get stoned, just as many of us appear to like getting drunk. I just don't see why we need to rely on the medical aspect. I may not know exactly how a cancer patient or AIDs victim is feeling, but I've suffered with the flu, colds and tonsilitus (severe). Smoking marijuana did nothing to alleviate my distress during any of these periods, if anything it made my symptoms worse. I suppose where smoking marijuana comes in is that it gets you that stoned you simply push your symptoms to the side. They are still there, you just echo them out... the power of the mind and all that...

I just want to see marijuana legalised for the right reasons...

oh and mogie, I agree marijuana is good for getting people off other drugs. I've got an addictive personality, i just can't say no... so after many years I've finally settled with the drug I began with.

I really can see us losing this debate if we just stick with the medical aspects of marijuana. We need to stand up and be counted... so fucking what if we like to get stoned, wtf's wrong with that?


Well-Known Member
Certainly there are medicinal qualities to marijuana just as alcohol or cocaine or morphine. But that's not why It should be legal. I want it legalized for recreation. Everyone should have the right to take it wether it's for their health problems or just for fun.
It really comes down to, Who decides what you can put in your body; you or society. In my case, ME. I could care less what society wants.


Active Member
Everytime i have a cold and I hit the sweet leaves it seems to numb the sniffliling and my sore throat and all. Only thing is if i stay high long enough I dont have to deal with the cold, but if i come down the cold is not as bad but it's still there. So maybe just maybe marijuanna is a temporary relievent of the common cold. Which you all know we dont have a cure for the common cold or temporary relievents of a complete cold but we have medicine to reduce the symptons. I donno maybe you should get a cold and try it out for yourself. Maybe its just all in my head.


Active Member
But that's not why It should be legal. I want it legalized for recreation.
I could care less what society wants.
Your statements conflict; you want it legalized but at the same time don't care what society thinks / wants... so what do you care if it's legal?


New Member
I know I'm not the one being asked, but i really don't care if it is legalised or not. In fact it suits me just fine that it isn't legal. I just don't think it fair that we should be campaigning to get it legalised on medical grounds when this is not the whole truth of it. We like to get stoned, that's the whole truth, everything else comes after this.


Active Member
I know I'm not the one being asked, but i really don't care if it is legalised or not. In fact it suits me just fine that it isn't legal. I just don't think it fair that we should be campaigning to get it legalised on medical grounds when this is not the whole truth of it. We like to get stoned, that's the whole truth, everything else comes after this.
The issue I take with your way of thinking is, you don't have the perspective of a cancer or HIV/AIDS patient, you have the perspective of someone that likes to get stoned for the sake of it. Now, I don't disagree with your motive or your freedom to do so, but I can't see where you assume that everyone that lights up is strictly in it for the high and not because it alleviates pain or helps them eat a meal.

I do want it legalized for everyone to use, but perhaps for different reasons. Yeah, the high is nice. Yeah, it's a cultural / social thing. More than that, it needs to be legalized because it's no different than alcohol or tobacco use (that kill tens of thousands a year) and those are deemed socially acceptable and are currently legal. Secondly, the 'war on drugs' is BULLSHIT and needs to stop. The revenue that is not only spent on Marijuana 'crime prevention', but the revenue that could be taken in by it's legal sale, could be put to so much better use. Third, America was built on libertarian values, thus the 'war on drugs' ain't American (I understand you're not from the US, but it is a valid point in my case).


New Member
AnswersToNone sez ...

"Third, America was built on libertarian values ..."

Amen to that Brother!

Skunk ...

I believe that your perspective is skewed here. Unless you have experienced chronic pain, HIV, Glacoma, or a variety of neuropathic diseases, then you are not qualified to speak on the effectivness of medical mj. You may have formed an opinion, but without experience with the above, your opinion is not based upon fact.



Uses the Rollitup profile
Skunk, I'd say you just put a whole shoe store into your mouth. It's obvious that you haven't had any contact or experience with a medical marijuana patient. And just like most everyone else, once you do your tune will change.


Well-Known Member
When I said I want it legalized for recreation, I meant, I personally use it for recreation not medicine and should have the legal right to do so. This is more about freedom rather than using marijuana.

As far as the actual use of marijuana, you're right, It wouldn't make a difference to me. Regardless of what the rest of society decides, I'm still going to smoke my herb.


New Member
Skunk, I'd say you just put a whole shoe store into your mouth. It's obvious that you haven't had any contact or experience with a medical marijuana patient. And just like most everyone else, once you do your tune will change.
That's where you're wrong... My girlfriend's grandad is just one of the people I know that uses marijuana for medical reasons, he also uses alcohol and drinks a bottle of J.D. every day... He has a trapped nerve in his head and he says he smokes because it gets rid of the pain. I asked him if the pain killers that the doctor give him work, and he said they did and that it was simply more pleasurable smoking marijuana (he said this with a wry smile on his face). I also know quite a few people with AIDS through my connections in the dance music scene and although a few of them smoke weed I've never heard any of them stopping their prescriptions. I also know someone with huntingtons and parkinsons, these two are big on ecstacy which has been SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN to help sufferers of these afflictions, they smoke weed too but this does nothing to alleviate their symptoms.

Fact is weed helps a lot of people, whether ill or not. Every one who lights up IS in it (not strictly) for the high, everything else comes after. If prescription drugs work better then there's only one reason people want to ingest marijuana...

Oh, and the shoe store... I can take a whole warehouse.


New Member
It is illigal just for the simple reason that the goverments must have fear over people and their choices, to control people and get people to conform with their idealogical reasonings why we pay taxes for our goverments to waste our money on million dollar dinners for contributing parties. kinda like Az. lotto for a vote! Who's paying the money and why. Is there a benifit to vote for one person or the other! We will never know! Do you know where your rep stands on maijuana reform? Would they truly work for the citizens? Does your vote even count? You tell me! I think not Bush said it correctly the other day when he was giving his speach. He said we(meaning polititions) all want to get into office to take power. You tell me if something sound fishy cause it sure does to me. Then of course it's a bit funny just before elections our gasoline is the cheapest it's been in 2 years!!!! Like they don't have a hand in it!

Laws are to make people safer but most fail.
Ok here is an example where i live it is illegal for chemical company's to sell anhydrus to people now since it is used for meth. Last I looked around meth is just as avalible now as it ever has been however now lets look at what this has done. It has jailed thousands for possesion. Farmers are most hurt by the new laws as they are having their shit ripped off left and right. It's a huge problem around here. So instead of just the stupid fuck who blow their house up and the users now we have childrens parent in jail farmers hurt tax payers an extra burden. Extra time wasted for law abbiders when they by cold meds lol. what's next in the us curfews at 9 pm water boarding if your caught with some green? My point is people here in the us we have the abbility to change things if people would stand the fuck up and stop being chicken shits and not let the corrupt goverment control and rule your lives. Vote for people who will work for the people. Get out and VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
bigballin appearently you never payed attention to our last election when states said we have hundreds of thousands of votes that were never counted. our votes do not count also. there is something called the electoral college. you should look up the mickey mouse vote sometime, I think you will find it interesting. I would love to see the US legalize it, but lets be fair to ourselves. it will not be legal for a long time due to the fact our government would have a hard time taxing it.


New Member
I know about elections and the electorial college is just a tip of the iceburg when it comes to counting votes. We all know our votes mean nothing yet everyone sits back and says just what you said.
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