WTF!!! my plant have been nearly destroyed

Sorry man, I have had this happen before. That is why I never do outdoors w/o chicken wire. That and I drink a 22 oz. of beer on my way in, guarantees I have to pee at the patch.

Sorry for your loss,


This reallly confused the shit out of me... please explain
did that guy really think that he was peeing on his plants? lol.... An animal isnt going to eat that much of a plant, maybe something would eat it when its small or pull it out. And for those who think deer eat plants are incorrect. I've seen trailcam pictures with deer taking a bud off the plant and dropping it on the ground and found the bud. My boys dont use any chicken wire or anything. If they make it the first couple weeks then animals shouldnt bother them. I GURANTEE it was bugs, slugs or something in that nature or some dumb kids but you prob would have seen some sign of a human being there (shoe marks, cigg butts, pop bottle, etc..)
it had to be ppl cuz nothing else couldve done this sort of damage the one on had 2 main stalks growin and one was snapped broken and ripped off, if it was a deer im pretty sure it'd be a relatively clean cut, and its a rocky area so there'd be no real footprints visible and if there were i wouldnt be able to distinguish them from my own, any way happy to inform that they are recuporating quite well, one the crown was broken over and 2 main branches ripped down. i taped em up to there original spots and there almost all healed up its been a week since the occurance
I feel your pain brother! This morning i woke up to find 4 out of 7 of my females STOMPED DOWN BY DEERS! They fucking stomped them down so hard they snapped the stem at the base CLEAN OFF! Now i'm down to 3 females...and they were all white rhino! Out of 10 regular seeds I had 7 females!!
He never said he peed on his plants.. think. He probably does it because the smell keeps some animals away. Allot of other things work too as well as human hair.

Lol, yeah, peeing around your grow area tends to send the critters scattering. Peeing on them probably does not help though, maybe makes it more dank? Hahaha.

^ i hear ppl saying piss is a good source of nitrogen, ive never done it but i guess its ok to do. I would love to see some pictures of the damage, im thinking it was deer too.
did that guy really think that he was peeing on his plants? lol.... An animal isnt going to eat that much of a plant, maybe something would eat it when its small or pull it out. And for those who think deer eat plants are incorrect. I've seen trailcam pictures with deer taking a bud off the plant and dropping it on the ground and found the bud. My boys dont use any chicken wire or anything. If they make it the first couple weeks then animals shouldnt bother them. I GURANTEE it was bugs, slugs or something in that nature or some dumb kids but you prob would have seen some sign of a human being there (shoe marks, cigg butts, pop bottle, etc..)

ya i really did think this fool was pissing on his plants. or around them. there are some stupid ass people on this forum... he said he downs a 24 oz beer so he needs to pee.... the whole reason i asked why the fuck he would do this is because i had no idea what he was talking about... i mean i just got done reading a thread about some idiot trying to mix his own shit in to make his own compost. there are some retards out there.
ya i really did think this fool was pissing on his plants. or around them. there are some stupid ass people on this forum... he said he downs a 24 oz beer so he needs to pee.... the whole reason i asked why the fuck he would do this is because i had no idea what he was talking about... i mean i just got done reading a thread about some idiot trying to mix his own shit in to make his own compost. there are some retards out there.
1. to mark your territory same concept with animals they mark it with urea.
2. It is a great form of nitrogen as long as u dilute it with water i think it was a 1:3 ratio or something like that.
Thta being said i don't condone to using urine just stating out the facts :)
could b anything but all a few weeks ago same shit happenend to all my mother plants 10 of them they were huge. No tracks or nothing. but what i soon did was look at the plants the were destroyed and look at my surroundings carefully. teeth marks were shown and on the plants that were stripped and alot of mole hills around the plot. long story short it was ground hogs they will chew on the plant for there teeth to grow.
ya i really did think this fool was pissing on his plants. or around them. there are some stupid ass people on this forum... he said he downs a 24 oz beer so he needs to pee.... the whole reason i asked why the fuck he would do this is because i had no idea what he was talking about... i mean i just got done reading a thread about some idiot trying to mix his own shit in to make his own compost. there are some retards out there.
I can see peeing around the plant but on it is absolutly crazy, if your peeing on your plants your a broke mofo who cant afford a 20 dollar bottle of fert.. the guy mixing his own shit, now that is using your head, creative, (what a fuckn jackass) You know whats fucked up is that i'm prob smokin the shit. I was wondering why that last batch tasted like ASS.. WTF
i had a bunch of turkeys kill all my plants. ripped them right out of the ground.. elk just eat the plants and move on. its the same for deer as elk.. cut the top of a jug and piss in every time you go there, it also helps to put an old sock on the jug were it is in the piss.. just like a wik it will put lot of your scent in the air. hope it helps.