Dude I went through this for six weeks. im in the middle of flowering too. this is no joke. heres what to do.... first of all, do not listen to anybody suggestiong to use liquid insecticides at this point. As it will cause ur buds to look and taste like shit and mold. I used neemoil for six weeks when I first found them. i drenched the leaves top and bottom. drenched them and they kept comming back the little fuckers. U have to do something now and i mean now because the mothers lay 1000 eggs a day and eggs hatch in three days. they can take over and destroy ur plants quick. Go to Home Depot or Lowes and get this exact product - HOT SHOT NO PEST STRIP. follow me exactly here.... hang the no pest strip above ur girls in the exact grow area 2 - 4 feet above them, For the first 12 hour lights out period. The trick here is to leave the fan off so the active ingredient can permiate the air by the next lights on period u shouldnt see too many traces of them anymore. however, we are not done yet. remember the eggs??? keep the no pest strip in your direct growing area for the next three nights with the fan back on as usual. I guarentee u those fuckers will be dead. however u will still see some dead eggs on the bottoms of ur leaves. dont worry. u can rub them off with ur hands gently if u prefer. on the fifth night i took the no pest strip out of my direct growing area and just hung it in the main room about 8 feet from my growbox area. if u follow my directions they should be gone. Mine are dead, gone, zilcho. Hope this works for u. Let me know please.