wtf...someone tell me what you think....with pics

IMG_1339.jpgIMG_1337.jpgIMG_1338.jpgok whats up. I would like to hear from someone experienced here so....I am vegging in hydroton, flowering in coco (at the moment), and moms in soil, while babies are aero. from the pics you can see what is happening to all plants in every medium (not just some). I use R/O water (brand new filters), and house and garden nutes: All measurements are per gallon of water: aqua flakes-3.5 to 6ml (depending on what phase), roots xl-around 0.7ml, algen xtract-around 0.7ml, ||flower|| multi zen-2.3ml, bud xl- 2.3ml, top booster 3.9, shooting powder-little less than 1 pack per 25 gallons. and drip clean with every nute change-0.25ml/gal. should i run drip clean with r/o water? im thinking its lockout all the time (as when i flush they snap out and explode). This strength has only been tested for a few days now (i was running higher strength) but i can tell that its not getting better, although they have gotten much taller. just that leaf growth being so nasty is why im thinking its lockout. but in the pics the plants are in hydroton, how can they have salt buildup when there is nothing really to stick to? are my nute levels good? as i said all mediums are doing it, like something is wrong with my nute lineup (lacking certain nutes). But house and garden should have everything i need in it. i would appreciate you guys finding me a solution. thanks a bunch!


Well-Known Member
you tried doing your own research?


also, like dude below me said.. where the pics at?



Well-Known Member
Okay I see the pics now......I dont see a serious problem........I see some of your tips are burning.. and I see some cupping of leafs that could be because of heat stress but nothing serious
Sorry forgot the pics. they are there now at the begining of my first post. and yes i have tried to do my own research and tried all i can think of. ive been having this prob for a couple months now and have just been flushing to fix it but i am so tired of doing that and i am starting to think something is missing....idk. time for some help. temps are 75-80 max, bulbs are cooled (sealed) and over a foot away, its very nice for them. thanks so much


Well-Known Member
Thats all I can really think you are missing.......I dont see nothing really the cupping is not heat related then it might be a mag deficiency from not using any cal/mag.....
you know what. i think your right man. im gonna pick some up tomorrow when the shops are open again. ill tell you if it works in a couple days (the hydro at least). thanks so much dude and good luck! but i am still taking in other information. i know you all have seen problems just like this, what was the fix? thanks
they look ok to me what you worried about them girls looking mighty fine ?

a little heat stressed and maybe slightly only slightly add a bit of nitrogen when the leaves go like that at the sides it means they are dry craving for water a heat stressed plant does this its a way they deal with it


Well-Known Member
I don't think it is Nitrogen, since that would not show up in the growth tips. If anything I would agree with jcdws602, maybe a Mg def causing leaf cupping.


Well-Known Member
you know what. i think your right man. im gonna pick some up tomorrow when the shops are open again. ill tell you if it works in a couple days (the hydro at least). thanks so much dude and good luck! but i am still taking in other information. i know you all have seen problems just like this, what was the fix? thanks

keep us updated peace


Well-Known Member
what are those plants in? ive seen that alot but idk what that is
is there any soil in there? how does it work?

It's not's called is a very popullar medium used in soiless is just expanded clay and is used for root support mainly.....


Active Member

if you're doing R/O in coco, you need CalMag for sure. Also, what % is the coco? 100% or a mix? is aquaflakes for coco? not sure. maybe im wrong. also, shooting powder? I think you use that at the end of the cycle. what day into bloom are you?

the guy to ping about nutes and coco is jberry. Find him over in the coco threads
the coco that i do have is 100% coco. i was talked into it but found out coco in recirculation systems is a no no (yes i use aqua flakes and nug is so bomb as long as i am flushing), which is why i am flushing weekly until coco is phased out. added cal mag to nutes today and watered the soil that was dry, we'll see how that goes. cal def would explain my cupped, thin, and twisted new shoots. mag def would explain lower leafs turning yellow and dying out. i think jcdws602 is right, need cal mag for my r/o water. i put cal mag into my veg rez (hydroton) so ill post those results by tomorrow. i am gonna put it into my baby rez too (with new nute change). i only used 1.5ml/gal for hydro which brought ppm of plain water up to 150, sound right? i used 3ml/gal in my soil. i am worried about putting it into my flower nutes though as it contains nitrogen. any other cal mag supplements without nitrogen that i can use while flowering to retain that healthy plant? and i use shooting powder last 3 weeks of flower only. one more thing, do u guys water your soil with nutes every watering or every other watering or what? thanks a million bro's.


Well-Known Member
I used cal mag in flowering all the time,you just have to when using RO water........5ml per gallon......I water with nutes every other watering for soil........

jack the beanstalk

Active Member
Yeah, I would try the calmag, it looks like slight mg def. Also, I think if you are getting lockouts it's salts on the actual roots and surrounding medium due to phosphorus not being used. Phosphorus can only be used in conjunction with calcium. This is why calmag+ is so often the answer. And the extra N won't hurt once the others start working together.
damn 5 ml per gallon in hydro too? i only used 1.5. i see no improvment in my new growing shoots (they might look worse). the fringes of my leafs are turning upward too like a salt buildup but these plants are only three weeks old and in hydroton. they defitely grew an inch upward, or so. maybe it will take a few days to see improvment with the leafs? gonna throw some in my flower rezes too. but 5 ml in hydro and in soil? huge thanks for the help guys


Well-Known Member
5ml for hydro...I dont use it for soil.....since I don't water with RO water for give it 2-3 days if things get worst then you might have a different problem......