
ou have little regard for consent being a vital component in human relations.
There is also another vital component Rob, its called AGE of consent, and it is established by law, custom and the consensus of responsible caring adults everywhere. We have these laws to protect children from sexual predation by perverts, if there were no law there would be a lot of dead perverts.
There is also another vital component Rob, its called AGE of consent, and it is established by law, custom and the consensus of responsible caring adults everywhere. We have these laws to protect children from sexual predation by perverts, if there were no law there would be a lot of dead perverts.

So what is the actual age which all people arrive at the wherewithal to consent ? How does a law which varies from place to place align with this age ?

Sexual predators ? Do you mean people who routinely disregard another persons consent as not being vital to human relations? Yeah, those aren't nice people. Are you saying that consent is necessary when humans engage ?

Does government, the agency you seem to assign the task of arbitrating this, respect human consent as vital ? Where is your evidence that is so ?
WTF??? Has the States lost it’s collective mind? I’m watching all of these pro mushroom dicks tout the virtues of the retard in chief and either their reactionary seeking trolls or retards. What has he done that is in anyway good for the country? I’m willing to listen and debate anything, maybe I’m missing something. Yes this question has been asked over and over again and I’ll keep asking because there has not been an honest answer. Every time I watch/listen to the guy speak I ask the same question ........ WTF!!!
Neanderthals are currently in charge. Do you really think you can debate with a Neanderthal ? You first must learn the language.

So what is the actual age which all people arrive at the wherewithal to consent ? How does a law which varies from place to place align with this age ?
Just worry about the law where you live and have confidence that there are wiser people than you. The judge will not debate political philosophy with you, he will sentence you, the relatives might simply kill you, or most likely beat the living shit out of you. Societies make the rules, obey or suffer, end of argument, do it from your cell, write a book on it, you'll have time.
Just worry about the law where you live and have confidence that there are wiser people than you. The judge will not debate political philosophy with you, he will sentence you, the relatives might simply kill you, or most likely beat the living shit out of you. Societies make the rules, obey or suffer, end of argument, do it from your cell, write a book on it, you'll have time.

It's a little bit like you are building a pedo strawman and then you can't even intelligently defeat your own creation. Nice use of innuendo though....

I'm not debating political philosophy. there is no debate about that, it's self evidently based in coercion, which is the removal of consent.

I don't like it when people don't have the ability to make their own choices.
Maybe you should ask Bill Gates, the forced vaccinator wannabe. Or his dad, the "planned parent" Nazi.

Or his grandfather, a eugenics proponent.

Or yourself, the guy who abused his daughter's financial future by your slurping at the phony free money trough like an Animal Farm pig.

You have little regard for consent being a vital component in human relations.
you sound upset

if you were like me, a hard working, productive citizen, you could have gotten tens of thousands of dollars

but you didn’t because you’re a food stamp welfare sponge who is unemployable

and you never answered johnnys question

Slave bitch
you sound upset

if you were like me, a hard working, productive citizen, you could have gotten tens of thousands of dollars

but you didn’t because you’re a food stamp welfare sponge who is unemployable

and you never answered johnnys question

Slave bitch
Aren't you the drunkard who lived with his "wife" then beat her and lost his "family"?
Where's the hard working, productive citizen part :confused: :o
You rant and rage more than everyone on this site... Collectively. Have you forgotten all your retarded threads?

Lay off the aluminum, lithium, and fluoride
Not at all, they were on morals and ethics and were an experiment to try and get through to people like you, those driven by subconscious feelings that make you believe and do foolish things like support treason and a fool who is killing large numbers of Americans off daily. I can assure you I have no underlying organic pathologies, my attitude and perceptions are the result of training and nothing more. You are controlled by subconscious forces of aversion that warp your perceptions and thinking.

Have you reconsidered your support for Trump? Are you now ready to hold your head up as a patriot and join with others trying to save your country and the lives of thousands?
You rant and rage more than everyone on this site... Collectively. Have you forgotten all your retarded threads?

Lay off the aluminum, lithium, and fluoride
Actually someone has a thread on meditation in another section and since I had to close down my local mindfulness meditation group because of covid-19, I been kinda hankering to spout on it a bit and it's been leaking out! Maybe drop by there and get yourself educated and morally improved while becoming happy and at peace. I teach an evidence based practice and will science ya into the ground on it, while filling yer head with ancient wisdom. It kills Trumpers stone cold dead and they awaken as liberal zombies! :D

Give me an earnest Trumper who has a brain and I will return a liberal patriot who cares for others.
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