Yes, well it's with all living things -regardless of the underlying replication mechanism- that you'll have, at least, 4-5 (point) mutations occuring, but these are usually irrelevant. The SARS-CoV-2 is an RNA virus which mutate very fast due to the general instability of RNA - but unlike other RNA viruses, corona viruses do have an internal "proof-reading" mechanism so that's why they don't mutate as quickly, or drastically, like, for example, influenca viruses.
Our immunsystem metabolises pathogenic material, break it down and then build specific antibodies against some of the main "building blocks" of said pathogens. And as long as the virus doesn't alter these antigens - you should stay immune of a reinfection.
But we're not there yet to be able to tell if this will then happen on a broader scale - and if so, we could build a vaccine and subsequently, get rid of this disease one and for all - or if it will from now on behave like the flu. If it does - it will be of a huge healthconcern for esp. the richer states because of the letality towards elderly persons.
Yes, I live in the Stuttgart metropolitican region. Everything is quite well here - we have a lot of money in reserve which our politicans really like to throw out now to everybody

It's somewhat sad because our economy went better and better with just every year.... yeah the hessisch (just a small state) Finance Minister commited suicide yesterday but apoart from that - everything ok.
I was reading the news ticker on CNN where someone did ask "why there's so few deaths occuring in Ger from covid-19" and the answer is two-fold:
1. we test alot, so we get more positives of esp. asymptomatic persons. I think the statistic guys do have an error in thinking when they try to agree on a mortality-rate when it's based on the general infection number - it would be more reliable if it would be based on the number of hospitalized people.
2. we have a very high clinical standard which is there for everyone. It's even down by law to not have a social health security and thus, our clinics have to be prepared for all people that either live or work in Germany. So we don't currently lack ventilators much - but that could change in the near future...